Category Archives: Topics and Discussion about Anything

Response to Will Smith and Chris Rock

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just slap a grown adult in public the next time they piss us off. (Cause that is in total reality) I pause on the fact that these gentlemen are both rich and both celebrities. No that is not a typical normality for those in the middle class. But Will Smith slapping Chris Rock for hurting his feelings in public on recording for all to rewind is still quite a disappointment and shocker. Like didn’t your momma teach you better than that?

When using our words we sometimes turn to comedy to make us feel better. Both of these actors have worked in comedy action films for entertainment. Where do you go from there? An award winning night. And the nominee for most childlike behavior is…..(fill in the blank) How are we to teach idols such as these that it is unacceptable when we accept their behavior? We are drawn to them, maybe…Glamour? Attraction? A wish to escape to be in their shoes?

Well we are in our own shoes and and we cannot throw them at someone for the hek of it if we feel like we were insulted, offended, or that they just flat out verbally crossed the line. We are are not physically defending ourselves when we attack another. I have loved both Will Smith and Chris Rock and would love to see these guys get along but where does that happen when you can’t be yourself and if you are…..well, you might get slapped…

Censorship is no joke. And it might be fine to censor oneself here or there. But if Chris Rock crossed the line what would you expect Will Smith to do? And while many call Will Smith a pansy for the slap or taking up for his wife. Chris has been called mature on how he immediately handled it. He didn’t fight back. Did that make him a pansy? We are not in grade school. If your feelings get hurt. They are not a weapon. They are feelings.

Written by: Rosette Jones


Intentional Wanting (self development)

Life an fight while tears and turmoil go on…What do you want to do? What you forth while you contain so little effort? Your family awaits you. You home sits still. The love you have for what you do comes out in who you are. Where will you be next year based on the hours and seconds are going on with the actions you partake in within certain times. Your parent, your guardian – your overseer expects more than what you do just as you expect more from others. So, what are your standards for yourself?

Believe you become mediocre if you expect mediocre. Act on what you want. Do things to obtain that. Set goals in orders to toward actions to obtain these things you wish to have. Expect what you want and become well, duh ~ beyond the thing that sits there in your wishes. Never – should’ve or could’ve or would’ve your life away to an elderly age of regret. You did it. You decided. Your choice of action. Who are then and where effects who you are and what you do now. Don’t worry about being a never was if you are a never tried. Where will your effort be in the next 5 minutes? Where will your plans be in the next 5 days? What do you intend to do about the life?

Intentionally taking on the turmoil and fighting through to the goals worth being rather difficult over since when it is easy then people don’t always seek it out. Intentionally loving yourself enough to care about giving yourself the future you seek by taking actions for….what? Do you want anything?

Written By: Rosette Jones …….03/28/2022

Ready…Set…too many Goals?!?!?

Too many goals? I recently heard a bigger pockets money podcast where a woman received a about $400,000 check from her university in left over scholarship money. She literally applied for at least 1,000 scholarships. She initially received very few. Maybe less than 20. But if that is a goal of yours you could achieve it. Apply for 1000 scholarships with the intent to receive the left over scholarship money. But important to note that not every University will send that to the student.

10,000 hrs approx. behind each major success. Break it down. How many days in a year? 365. 2 hours a day working on a project is only 730 hours toward that goal. But the how likely is success to be? Really high if you dedicate this 10,000 hours to a certain achievement it has been said to be.

Saving up for a down payment or paying down debt while managing expenses. Add to that simultaneously investing successfully at the same time. What do you do to reach this financial goal?

Losing weight. Eating right and meal planning might be involved while planning an exercise program with time management with work family and managing the household. Sleep is still important. You need to energize.

Trying to get promoted at work or increase sales at the business?

Reading a certain number of books based on content within an allotted time frame?

Add to that expecting to have enjoyment time. How many goals do you have all at once and what do you expect from them?

Do you expect results with less effort? Or just wish for it? Not trying to be discouraging. Expect discipline from yourself. Expect results. Results come after follow through of action. Where are you headed with your goals? What do you want for yourself? The passion, motivation, and desire behind what you seek you can find dreams which are unfulfilled through inaction. You must do something. But how do you begin?

Brainstorm all your goals. Make to do lists. Make a plan of action in order. Break it down by year. Then break the action goals by month to month. Then on that same piece of paper or computer break it down week by week. Next, day by day on what you will do and have complete each day. Don’t go against then grain. Hour by hour. Get a planner. Plan out your hours. Plan your sleep. You won’t under sleep. You won’t over sleep.

Where are your goals located. What is stopping you? Make a plan for an adjustment to still reach that goal with what is stopping you. Then look in the mirror. You can do anything.

Written by: Rosette Jones


Ally gets rid of fees for 3.6 million customers

Ally waives gets rid of fees for 3.6 million customers. They say it affects people that need the money the most and cite the racial divide. In other words they will no longer charge overdraft fees.

They become the first big bank to do this. What a huge endeavor. That is a really big deal. I cannot believe they are really doing this? Can you? This is amazing? In 2020 billions was collected in overdraft fees from the industry. But you know this is a new thing that has been in the news. Ally can prove themselves to be profitable without the money possibly? The controversy is when you by an item for $1.00 or $2.00 and with the $35 overdraft fee it becomes a $36 or $37 trinket. What have you done? Just imagine the days of the returned check? It costs an additional amount. It used to be $25.00 at the store. One bank charges $35 and so does the other. It costs another $35.00… Total… $95 for $28.25 worth of groceries.

It will be amazing to see if any other banks will follow suit of Ally’s initiative.

Written by: Rosette Jones

Ally, overdraft, fees, controversy

PLAN for the FUTURE you WANT!

Prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally. Whether you want a family, better finances, or to be a word class athlete, artistic or entrepreneurship endeavors then you can do it. All you need is to focus on your goal and planning out your steps to making it through that process. You can literally be anywhere, head anywhere and land anywhere you please with decisive actions you take.

I am not saying it will be easy. It will take dedication, will, motivation, focus, preparation, and so on. You can never give up. In order to plan for your future you want, you might focus on what you are doing today for it. You can change your future by your actions you take in your present. No one is stopping you but you. You are in charge of how your time is used, invested, wasted, or spent.

What is that you want in  your future? Everything, right? Great! It can be yours but you must pursue it today. What does Grandma say? “focus on what you can do today, because tomorrow might be gone.” So focus and move on today’s pursuits for tomorrow isn’t here yet, but isn’t guaranteed. If you don’t try, then what complaint do you offer? Plan for the future you want!

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By: Rosette Jones

Motivation, personal, future, tomorrow, preparation, dedication, focus, pursuit, blood sweat and tears,

“I voted”

I voted. That’s what my sticker says. I will wear it proud. Mayors and school board leaders…Property taxes and school attendance subsidies….I got to take a stance on. Do you want to wear an “I voted” sticker too? Maybe head out to the polls. You don’t have to know who or what you are voting for. Just vote. Next time, they will make sure you know. If you are not registered to vote you can take care of that instead of voting so as next time you’ll be pleasantly appeased with your vote ballot. I always am each time I vote. I have the sticker.

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Written By: Rosette Jones


Republican, Democrat, vote, issues

Poverty of Wealth

“Information without execution is Poverty. Remember:  We’re drowning in information, but we’re starving for wisdom” – Tony Robbins from Money Master the Game

Having information to do something with and not using it because you have no use for it is one thing. Not utilizing information, however when there is an abundance of application of handling your education is another thing.

We have so much information sitting before us in libraries, the internet, and grandparents. This abundance of resources just awaits us to be utilized. Not just read absorbed, and understood – but also used. (Taken in for a message of purpose, there are many subjects.)

Within the philosophy of questions and understanding of rhetoric you can delve into the “what” of something beyond its natural understanding. Thereby crossover that into Science, English, History, and Politics where a potential argument per se heads in that direction. It could do many things.

The information with a message of purpose could be in the sciences where they use the scientific method to solve the solution to the discovery of the question observed during a procedure of an experiment. (This can be done in the various sciences such as Biology, Geology, Environmental Science, Physics and so on.)

And as he stated “we are starving for wisdom.”I conclude from this, we seek answers to solutions all the time, but may not do the work to receive the answers.

For  instance, we may want a million dollars, but instead of doing the work to receive the answers, we might gamble, or play the lottery, or enter a sweepstakes. Another example is where we spend what we could invest into wealth. We own and/or have thrown away several thousands of dollars over the years of stuff we bought instead of investing. (this is stuff we don’t need)

We have so much information available to us at every corner. Correction, every inch, every millimeter and that information is ignored and taken for granted. We don’t use our mind and we ignore the resources we have available to us. That is like losing potential.

All the stuff you could, just going down the drain, because you are “starving for wisdom” you don’t have within your mind that you could be studying.

Move on information you learn once you learn it. Act positively on it. Grow from it. Create something. Sell it. Start a Business. You can do anything great and spectacular. You have so much information. You can do anything great with it.

Written By: Rosette Jones


Poverty, Wealth, Information, Tony Robbins

Financial Philosophy-the future

Financial Philosophy

Who are we as people? We delve into the daily ins and outs of our lives throughout society. Our action and inaction with what we do and don’t do operates without us just as it does with. The item you use to keep your money may be a purse or a wallet for instance but it is just the same wallet or purse if it were not yours. (but what about the money). The wallet or purse exist with or without money and exist with matter and on the exchange of goods, services and gifts.

What about an electronic item? With the wave of technology, smart devices will one day be able to operate without any programming of any sort. It would still function but not require initial programming. Maybe sounds too fictional. Even a wallet or purse is programmed per se to function as a wallet or purse to carry its money functions. The thing is. The smart device would exist without prior programming. And without human action, but maybe not in its state of operations.

Humans don’t need to invent a smart device to do this. It is already a part of matter in existence if possible. What if the wallet and purse became smart devices? How would they operate. With crypto currency on the verge we can do this but it isn’t FDIC insured.

When you take the action to spend money from your wallet or purse then saving money operates against you. When you take the inaction to spend use money from your wallet purse saving money operates with you. If technology has now turned your wallet or purse into a smart device taking the inaction to own smart devices, operates with that the wallet cannot be hacked because you have a retro one. (Retro being what we use today in 2021)

But you say there is a crypto wallet already. The crypto wallets today use computing devices like smart phones. I am talking about the whole device being a wallet or purse and being a smart device a literal smart crypto wallet. A separate digital hardware device. This device would constantly be participating in computing actions of security and so forth even when sitting still on the counter in total inaction.

What we do or don’t do with our money in our wallets or purses is not by some smart device programming. We are merely going about are actions and inactions and responding to comings and goings for a conclusion to a purpose to an ending and so forth to another piece to talk about another day and so on…

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Written by: Rosette Jones


Financial Philosophy, money, rhetoric, smart devices

Goal Schedule – (A blog) – make a commitment

What do you want in life? Do you want to go places like a far away land for a vacation? Do you want to spend time with family and friends? Or simply have a better life? Well how would you do what you want to do in life? You begin. You make a goal and schedule it out. Make a plan for what you want to do in life. Simply put. You attain.

You can create and master what you seek by doing things and steps to get there that you placed in your scheduled that I mentioned earlier. You plan out your schedule in steps by months, weeks, or years to get there. Maybe your goal is a matter of hours days. What you want in life you will attain. You will get. Grind daily.

What you want in life or from it could be a daily task that you seek out all the time. You could reward yourself  for getting to milestones made on your way to what you want. But it is only the peak of the iceberg. What you want in life is only little to what you could actually do. You are capable of so much more than you think. You would have to make a commitment to this task for what you seek, but you will get there. Attain. Have a vision. What do you want in life?

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Written By: Rosette Jones

Goal, Vision, milestone, Grind, life, self

Philosophical –Fallacy

Philosophical –Fallacy

Do you ever do anything like drink warm milk and take a sleeping pill and wonder why you are still tired? Not exactly that but anything. The things that strike us in life get at us in the most obvious ways and yet we are shocked when they still come knocking at our door. Why did I lose weight? Because I have been going hungry eating fruits and vegetables, duh? The same reason why I had gained the weight I lost in the first place; I had made sure to fit in eating dessert as long as it meant I could fit in my clothes.

That thing that nags at you for not noticing the obvious that would occur though it can be unnerving. Or not depending on who you are, but why didn’t you see that coming in the middle of last week. Everything is so simple, isn’t it. You get it up. You get ready. You head about your day. Your busy. It is no wonder that if you are up at 10p.m. that you are tired if you do this day in and day out. That is obvious. That grind for some reason makes us wonder “where does my time go” or “there’s no hours left in the day.”  It’s like adding 1+1 and wondering how you got 2 out of that, ya know what I mean.

And then you get on the internet and stream, watch television, listen to the radio and news and learn all the gossip in the magazines. Maybe some people know just as much about what is going on with their family as they do the television, internet and celebrities. And they would rather spend time on their phone when hanging out maybe, but they don’t have a portable charger for their phone..

When you are shocked for noticing the obvious things that add up to then how does your mind respond? You might not lash out. Or you might just state, “ I can’t believe that, of course…” Because now it is so obvious that what would happen, [the solution] would occur, as opposed to what was going on, [the addition] the cause for [the equation] the whole situation.

You might relax and enjoy yourself more about this discovery about yourself whether you noticed that thing nagging you or not. You might want to count the times you’ve done a particular action or wonder how many people out there besides yourself  have the same error. Or you might grind another day tomorrow. Get up. Get ready. Head out. Be Busy. Come home. And wonder why you’re tired…

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Writtten By: Rosette Jones

Where is your debt headed financially?

 Whether you take debt head-on with the debt snowball or the debt avalanche method while choosing not to add as much to your investments while you do this. Or you strategically pay down your credit balances with some other method. Or a different plan: while still investing heavily, you can head to success financially. Everyone has their debt cruncher that works for them and their debt digger that deepens their debt burden.

Wherever your headed with the practice of tackling debt you face your balances they are not going to disappear. That debt is not your money. It is negative money. Where are you headed? Are you headed to millionaire status with your debts? For some, I might be right in the money with that one. 

But maybe you are actually headed to millionaire status. You assets and investments could be on their way to a large sum. Paying down debt however is very important to some people while others might disregard it as a blockage or hindering the growth of wealth. If you have debt and do decide to pay it off, you can add to your wealth faster once you’ve paid off your debt as a potential option. Where is your debt headed financially?

Some thoughts: Maybe you won’t be off your credit card debt for years. Or you could be DEBT FREE!!! YEAH! Or possibly on a good debt pay off plan. If you invest while you pay off debt that is your choice, but it is said it is better to have a plan in doing so. The thing is ‘those with a retirement plan will be more successful in retirement‘, it is said by Noel Swain, a CFP. Just as ‘those with a debt pay off plan will likely be more successful in paying off their debt’, as stated something to that extent by Dave Ramsey.

Written By: Rosette Jones

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Originally posted on 04/04/2021

Spending Time With Loved Ones

While our time is limited on earth, we must value our time that we spend with loved ones. They might annoy us or make us upset in some manner. The joy they bring us is unlimited. Family and friends are so vital to one’s life. What would you do without this foundation? Well, some might wallow in their own sorrows but loved ones bring inspiration, hope, peace, care and so on. They are a constant reminder of what is good in your life and can help build your emotional support system.

Where do I head to without family and friends? Well, I might do a coping skill like reading, walking, meditation, listening to the radio; etc. But what do I do next? I share my participation in that activity with friends and loved ones. For instance, I listen to the news sometimes and respond to a news story on word press in March 2021 “What word can you make up?” That article I wrote was a response to a news story about a deceased father who made up a word where his daughters are trying to get the word into the dictionary.

The daily ins and outs of a time that is filled with activities done with loved ones is once in a lifetime. Regret or not- everyone’s time on this planet is short-lived and we will all see each other with God within 100-200 years without some medical miracle.

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Written By Rosette Jones


Philosophical…Turmoil of the Mind?

Where are you? Are you in two places at once? Where are you headed in life? The discovery of inner turmoil between a few things that irks us within the mind can be shocking. Are we bothered by our family member not calling us or are we bothered by feeling lonely and all alone? Too obvious and unrealistic thoughts of an answer about the nuclear family… We throw around hate and love when it comes to family like it is just some toy. We wish they would stop playing with that new gadget and listen to you before they head out.

So how about money? Do you really wish you had more money? Or do you miss the money you had on pay day? It was obvious the money would last. If only money could be in two places at once without being spent in two places at once then that would be the life. Is money a philosophical concept or is it a real tangible thing of everyday use? If only money were this idea that we used it in our heads and not in our outside bodies, would we misuse/utilize it just the same? If money helps organize society, couldn’t it also assist in organizing the ways of your life and plan out the financial thoughts in your mind?

Do you wish you were more content and satisfied with life? What makes you happy on either an occasional, monthly weekly, or daily, basis is just not the same without that one action or noun done with a pre-fix of an adverb or adjective. Satisfaction and happiness is just not the same without a home or an apartment. Two places. Not really. Not yet. Do you wish at all? What do you wish for? For the incompleteness of throughout a heart-ache to head toward…or that inner turmoil irking within one’s mind. Do you wish?

Written by: Rosette Antoinette Jones


Time Management

Snap your Fingers  – you can’t get that second back. That second is gone. How one decides to spend their time can be very valuable or wasteful. What happens when it is wasted or not taken seriously is up to the individual.  Time may be utilized to its fullest potential and maximum benefit. However, obtaining results is also using up time when accomplishing tasks. Of course you want to entertain yourself when you complete your task. (or maybe more literally with the latest action film). Time is like a commodity that we cannot purchase. We get these units of time to utilize and we invest in them in a certain way. (we fill it with doing stuff) You see money is invested and could be infinite but time is not.[snap your fingers]

You can make money with your time with passive income like rental properties or active income like a job. But you need time management for the ways you strategize and spend your tasks throughout your working days either passive income or active income with time management.

Do you budget your time, your telephone time, podcast, television videos and internet that you utilize throughout your day? Don’t budget your happiness that time can bring you by sacrificing things that bring you joy like sleep for instance. And don’t give up in other areas because it took too much of your managed time. One of the things I find is when a tasks takes longer then normal then I find a stopping point and delay what I am doing for an hour or day. There are other goals I have in mind.

It can be difficult to manage time successfully. Getting up early or staying up late doesn’t sound worthy if you must sacrifice sleep as part of the process, for instance. (Not always) What’s the most you can get done in a day? How efficient? And what is the least? Answer these questions and this might help with your schedule in your planner. Why would you succeed or fail at getting these things done in your day after you make your to-do list/schedule? If you can answer this for yourself you might find a solution to your time management situation.

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Written by: Rosette Jones


What Word can you Make Up?

Orbisculate. A father (died of covid in 2020) created a word and used it around his children which are trying to get it into the official Merriam-Webster dictionary. What word can you make up? It would be neat if you could have it rest within the dictionary. It feels like you could rest in history that way. As long as the word was official you would be alive in with the spirit of the memory of the word you created.

Some people are not going to be forgotten so easily because their famous. Others might land in history because of incidents like a word they created sitting in the dictionary or the discovery of an animal and so on. What a great wonder what you could do with yourself, right? Invent something. Write a book. Start a business. Create a word or phrase and get it into the dictionary.

From Orbisculate is defined as to accidently squirt juice or pulp into ones eye as from grapefruit when usisng a spoon to scoop out a section for eating.

Their dad used the word so much the siblings lost a five dollar bet one of their friends that the word was NOT in the dictionary. So go ahead –  give it a shot and make up a word. The dictionary might oribisculate a new word into your memory. What word can you make up?

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Written by: Rosette Jones


Source: News  Podcast This Morning With Gordon Deal 03/13/2021

 Source within a source:  The Washington Post.

Budget on Very Little per Month

Do you budget? Try for $2.00 per day on groceries. (Extreme!) If you live close to work, school, bank, library, and every where you go, try for $8.00 a week in gas or less- but don’t damage your car-spend more if you need the fuel. I live uber close to my places and spent about $25 last month in fuel expense at a wholesale store membership. I just began trying to budget on groceries at $2.10 a day because I saw youtube videos of people eating of $5.00 to $10 a week totaling 21 meals. (I am unable to do it without pasta and/or the clearance section)

What about clothes? You can shop at second hand thrift stores and garage sales or use clothes you have to organize a clothing swap with your friends, (Don’t forget dollar discount stores.) But is a budget right for you? Maybe you like spending money and want to go spend galore. When you exercise your budget you can increase your wealth. You might end up having more money.

If you enjoy spending money, relish in saving money. Save a percentage of what you spend. If you had a nickel for every dollar you spent you’d be a millionaire, right? Or would you? Try it. Try saving a nickel (5%) for every dollar you spend. If that is too little or too much after going at it for a week or two, adjust it to .01 cent (a penny-1%) for each dollar or ..10 cents (a dime-10%) for each dollar. Do this to catapult your regular savings as a  major catalyst in addition to your automatic drafts. FYI- There are also many round up programs like BBVA bank offers you spend $3.25 they round up to $4.00 and you save .75 cents in your savings account. But also, if you purchase a lot of .99 cent items plus tax that is over a 90% savings rate.  It will be a huge jump in your budgeting and savings goals if you can accomplish any of these. If you haven’t budgeted before, maybe you will begin soon.

I am not a financial advisor nor do I claim to be one. You should seek a financial advisor or tax accountant for your own budgeting needs. This is for your entertainment purposes only.

Written by: Rosette Jones


Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle….

Harry and Meghan sat down with Oprah and talked about overseas. Meghan has said that she was forced to cry in events leading up to her wedding and her son would not be given security nor a title “and concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when [her son] was born.”  She also had suicidal thoughts and said went out to seek help while as a princess but was told it wouldn’t look good.

Mental health issues mixed in with a non supportive group is not good. She tended to say in her interview with Oprah on CBS that she was not supported. The accusations of racial issues amongst the most those with the highest notoriety is a major shocker. Having a heritage of black history can bring positive enlightenment but shouldn’t be a blemish to the family. She painted it in that way. No security? No title? That is interesting as well. Archie, their son, would have a title and security but maybe he was too far down the royal line? Maybe not. What to do when the  royal family responds and is shocked by the Duke and Duchess sitting together in an interview with Oprah.

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Written by Rosette Jones


bitcoin boom!!! or the lottery

Won’t you be upset with yourself if you are in a position to invest $100 into bitcoin and it goes up another $13,000 dollars….worth around $14,268 cst at 11:00 on Christmas it has gone up over $13,000 dollars over  the past year for one bitcoin. Imagine if you would invested in bit coin when it  was worth $1.00 USD per bit coin. Still invested today you would have over $1,426,800 million dollars. That is something to speak about. If you have several thousand dollars, why wouldn’t you want to invest $100 in bitcoin if it could do the same thing again. Just six years ago it was worth $1.00 USD per bit coin in 2011. Now it is worth much more. You might regret losing out. I am not giving any advice at all here and I don’t advise investing all your money into bitcoin but I would try to go to websites like where you can invest in partial shares of bitcoin and potentially have much more money as a result of the whole bitcoin process. I regret that I did not know about bit coin in 2011. Now I know better. Don’t you know better than to invest in risky investments? Is bitcoin risky? Yes, it is a very volatile currency that has made a lot of millionaires. Could you be the next millionaire? Will bitcoin pull it off again and have over 1400% return. I want it to. I moved a little bit of my money into bit coin and it has gone and it has gone down and I don’t regret it. I am not giving any advice. Do what you want. This is just my flat opinion of what appears as a better investment tool than playing the lottery.

merry christmas


Written by Rosette Jones


Assignment One…Managerial Communication affected by Management style?

How could communication be affected by leadership style?

Communication could be affected by the leader’s interpersonal style. Someone using the avoidance style might be quiet and reserved with a wait and see attitude when addressing a conflict instead of facing it head on. While someone who is using assertiveness as a leader in their interpersonal style might be seen as outspoken or outgoing. Likewise someone whose leadership style utilizes aggressiveness might be viewed as abrupt or competitive.

Vocal variety and paralanguage discussed in Chapters 7 and 9 deal with some different factors. Vocal variety is the varying use of the vocal aspects of volume, rate and pitch. Likewise, paralanguage refers to the rate pitch and volume qualities of the voice that interrupt or temporarily take the place of speech and affect the meaning of the message. Because of vocal variety and/or paralanguage by the leader, one can emphasize even further avoidance, assertiveness or aggression.

It can make a leader using avoidance appear much more shy or timid when in fact they may just be quiet, reserved and/or avoiding conflict. Vocal variety and paralanguage can also make one who is assertive seem more determined. If they say, ‘maybe’ like sort of or, ‘maybe’ like we will see as a matter of fact instead of reference to a pause or other communication style. Vocal variety and paralanguage could make an aggressive leader seem mean or rude if they give an order for instance. For example, ‘you need to go over there and fill out that form.’ It could be stated as a desire of need or necessity of the event. But in another case, the leader might emphasize, “you” and places intensity on time as in right now with using nonverbal communication.

On another point, the text mentions interpersonal styles. The next part furthers this. One would prefer compliance gaining behavior from their leader, mentioned in chapter 3. Compliance gaining behaviors are attempts made by a communicator to influence another person to do something that the person otherwise might not do. “Results from classroom studies suggest that a supportive communication style is associated with greater satisfaction among students and that a dominant communication style is associated with less intrinsic motivation.”(DeVries, R.E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W) Communication is affected by leadership style by the style of supportive communication style being a compliance gaining behavior.

In addition assertiveness as an interpersonal communication style may be viewed as a supportive leadership style as it facets productivity within supply chain management. Assertiveness is defined as self-enhancing, expressive communication that takes into account both the communicators and other’s needs. The results from classroom studies suggested a supportive communication style goes hand in hand with interpersonal communication style.

Finally women and men communication styles might also be affected by outside factors such as women’s cycle (her period), men’s balding or gray hair, to thin, or too fat and so on. The ways communication style could affect productivity are potential insecurities might slow down productivity or it may increase productivity dependent upon the effects of impression management, mentioned in Chapter 3. Impression management is the attempt to control the impression of ourselves that we present to others in any communication situation. The nonverbal communication of bodily movement and facial expressions in communication style may affect productivity. Communication is affected by leadership style. In future research one could contend how leadership is affected by communication. But for now while style affects leadership, this discussion reasons that communication style causes reactions that are affected by leadership style, by assertive communication behavior, aggressive communication behavior, avoidance communication behavior, impression management, nonverbal communication, vocal variety skills, compliance gaining behaviors (compliance resisting behaviors) and the list is not exhaustive.

How do differences in men and women’s communication styles affect productivity at work?

After reviewing a research study conducted by Larry R. Smeltzer and James Werbel, one can conclude that there may be no difference in men and women communication style to affect productivity at work. Communication affecting productivity at work is the result of the communicator. And it is emphasized that the idea of a difference in communication style stems from stereotypes. “Although very few actual differences in the communication of males and females are empirically documented, stereotypical assumptions, perceptions, and expectations concerning the linguistic behavior of the sexes persist” (Smeltzer, Larry & Werbel, James). They even further call it a cultural stereotype.

So maybe the differences between men and women stereotypes affect productivity at work and not communication style. Smeltzer and Werbel state, “If females are thought to be emotional, indecisive, submissive, supportive, and interpersonally-oriented, then it is natural that their speech is rated likewise” (Smeltzer, Larry & Werbel, James). It would be good for women to be aware that their communication style might interact with stereotypes but that as leaders good communication style may still affect productivity in a good way. They continue, “If males are seen as behaving aggressively, objectively, bluntly, and decisively, then their communication will probably be rated consistently with that sex role image” (Smeltzer, Larry & Werbel, James). As a result of stereotypes negative things like missing out on potential job opportunities can occur. “Women may believe they must conform to stereotypes by acting in accommodating, unassertive ways; they may have more difficulty being taken seriously by others and thus receive fewer promotions and raises.” (Walker, Robyn)  Missed opportunities because of communication style stereotypes are unfortunate. If we are not aware of these potential mishaps this could affect out productivity at work including differences between men and women communication efforts.

The study researched difference in men and women’s communication style and strived to answer three questions regarding this. They are as follows:

  1. Do females use a different communication style than males in managerial communication situations?
  2. Is the quality of females’ communication different from that of males in managerial communication situations?
  3. Do senders’ communication style and quality differ as a function of the receivers’ gender?

They sampled 79 MBA students. 39 were female students and 40 were male students. All students had completed a Master’s level course in communication. They wrote a persuasive memo and persuasive letter which would be graded by a trained group of people. This trained group was also 50% male and 50% female. And this trained group of people would score a rating to each writings communication style.  They found, “the research found no differences between men and women on any of the measures of quality…Also, no difference is found on other measures of quality such as clichés, clarity, or negative tone” (Smeltzer, Larry & Werbel, James).  This research disproves certainties that any qualitative variances occur between amid men and women when it comes to communication style.

Gender may affect communication style because they might be homosexual, heterosexual, or attracted the receiver of the message. The verbal and nonverbal communication style also entails when the communication likes or dislikes an aspect of the receiver and may be using interpersonal styles in combination of one another.



Why is it important to understand the differences in men and women communication style?

It is important to understand the differences in men and women communication style so one may know how to react or respond and where they are coming from or the background of the leader, thereby empathizing with their communication style. Understanding communication style can have an effect on personal finances as well. It can cause one to react to the leader’s communications in an interpersonal way that may cause a promotion or pay raise and escape a demotion. Relating to the leaders communication skills can assist in identifying with the variations in the leaders communication style.

Communication Styles are important because it can affect a promotion. When women and men communicate differently it can have the effect of getting promoted or cause a demotion to occur. Men and women obtain pay raises and promotions in equally when it comes to fair treatment. States like California and Washington D.C.  have chosen to increase their state minimum wage by the years January 2022 for California and July 2020 for Washington D.C. to $15.00 an hour. This impacts the economy in great ways but the wage increase goes to both men and women communicating differently in style. Communication style is important because it may be the reason one earns a certain amount of money above or below various state minimum wages while occupying a different state. More so, the way one communicates impacts strongly because, “no laws are violated when one is paid more if one has more authority. But if an employee’s sex predicts his or her amount of authority, then authority level becomes a covert replacement for direct sex-based pay discrimination.” (Alkadry, M.G. & Tower, L.E.) Communication style can impact a promotion or in this case a pay raise. Communication style causes money to become an issue in the workplace because of these potential occurrences. Minimum wage would be around $21.00 an hour if it kept up with productivity and the growth of the economy. Occupations where women can earn more are often dominated by men, such as a doctor and if not lawyers, then the judges that preside over their court room.

Occupational segregation occurs when women are segregated in certain occupations, such as social services, education, and nursing. Underrepresentation of women in many traditionally male occupations remains a major problem…and this underrepresentation of women in higher paying [jobs] subsequently results in a widening wage gap between men and women. Compensation for women is generally higher in male-dominated occupations, but men consistently earn more in male dominated, gender mixed, and female-dominated occupation industries. (Alkadry, M.G. & Tower, L.E.)

The number of women who have served the presidency of the United States and the number women on the United States Senate all must have a communication style as a potential leader.  This communication style is important because it can alter how voters decide to vote and impact legislative laws.

What cultural and society factors affect men’s and women’s communication style?

Race, is a society factor that may affect communication style. There was a finding for racial minority clients and it was “found that the cultural adaptations (e.g. matching client-counselor language and race/ethnicity incorporating clients’ cultural values, increasing access to treatment) were important predictors of counseling effectiveness” (Kim, B.K., & Park, Y.S.). Because of existing factors like racism and bigotry and socialistic things like people marrying those of the same race, religion, culture and so on, this may affect communication decisions among men and women. Maybe marriage is seen as more effective or less likely of divorce in same ethnicity relationships since matching client-counselor language and race can be more effective.

Another situation is when one is in dispute and their interpersonal communication style and whether they use interpersonal, aggressive or avoidance. “Asian college students were in a conflict situation, they used more obliging and avoiding styles than their counterparts in the United States, who were more direct in addressing the conflict” (Kim, B.K., & Park, Y.S.).  Maybe in the United States our society factor make people choose to get down to business and when considering the issue, discuss what is going on to fix it. While it appears in the United States a more assertive discourse appears while with Asian Americans a more avoiding communication style appears affected by their cultural and society factors. In addition to Asian Americans style, Korean students may also use an avoiding style. “Korean college students more strongly emphasized the importance of not hurting the listener’s feelings and of minimizing imposition in comparison with their counterparts in the United States.” (Kim, B.K., & Park, Y.S.)

In regards to gender, cultural and society factors that affect men and women’s communication style may be religion. A woman, “a veterinarian, made a house call to an Iranian man…At the end of the visit, [she] thanks [him] for his help and reaches to shake his hand. He smiles gently and steps back, not taking her hand” (Moffett, Jenny) His religion forbids him from touching the hand of any woman not a relative. But in our society people are affected and in this case, the woman veterinarian was somewhat hurt. Religion is a cultural and society factor between men and women that can affect communication.

Also gender affecting communication is feminism. For thirty years in Australia women’s communication was affect by feminism. “This change was associated not only with a broader turn to social and cultural history but also with the radical rethinking of the content of more traditional fields of political and labor history” (Curthoys, Ann) Women’s communication is altered by social and cultural history and influenced by ways of thinking. In today’s society, the stereotypical feminism may not be as prominent as it once was, yet our culture’s communication is affected by it still in the workplace and in this case, political and labor history.” It appears women may secretaries or executive assistants more than managers, directors, or Vice Presidents. Society stereotypes affecting feministic communication might be having babies and staying out of the workforce for a while. Feminism affects our culture and societal communication among the genders.





BY: Rosette Jones (Zacie /Lightening/Perfect/ Diamond)


  1. Alkadry, M.G. & Tower, L.E (2011). Covert Pay Discrimination: How Authority Predicts Pay Differences between Women and Men. Public Administration Review, 71(5), 740-750

DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2011.02413.x

  1. Curthoys, Ann (2014). Gender in the Social Sciences. Australian Feminist Studies, 29 (80), 115

DOI: 10.1080/08164649.2014.930553

  1. DeVries, R.E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W (2010) Leadership=Communication? The Relations of Leaders’ Communication Styles with Leadership Styles, Knowledge Sharing and Leadership Outcomes. Journal of Business & Psychology, 25(3), 367-380

DOI: 10.1007/s10869-009-9140-2

  1. Kim, B.K., & Park, Y.S (2015). Communication Styles, Cultural Values, and Counseling Effectiveness with Asian Americans. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93(3), 269-279.

DOI: 10.1002/jcad.12025

  1. Moffett, Jenny (2014). Diverse Communication Styles: Bridging the Gap. Veterinary Team Brief, 44-46.
  2. Smelzter, L. R. & Werbel, J. D. (1986). Gender Differences in Managerial Communications: Fact or Folk linguistics? Journal of Business Communication 23 (2), 41-50


  1. Walker, R. (2015). Strategic Communication for Leaders (3rd Ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

starbucks good or bad coffee?

starbucksMarch and April of 2015 Starbucks isn’t gourmet coffee. I’ve spent several hundred cups fixing mine own to be close to good coffee. Might as well no pay overpriced but if you do they market gourmet as good and good coffee, it should be good, right. I’ve had a number of cups. I would know and well might as well not pay overpriced and still receive a good cup of coffee. Making your own might not be starbucks but so what. No coupon will do it. They are coffee just like the next. Good cups or bad cups fix your own and at your leisure drink your café. By; Rosette Antoinette Jones

Stress Assistance? no? part 1 of 2

dentifying stressors – Identifying strssors would let one ignites knowledge management doubt about what causes or begins their persons stress. Also what halts the stress when stressors are identified one can prevent the harmful of stress and the negative aspects of each separate stress.

Build regular exercise in  healthy matters of lose weight lose and/or strength formation – exercise – releases chemicals to the flowing system through endurance and other exercise ongoings and assist in lowering the pains/stressors of worries and unnecessary stressors.

By: rosette Antoinette zaxie j

turkey day 11.27.14 ridiculouos?!


Turkey day is ridiculous. It’s thanksgiving and you don’t have to be thankful for things are not and never would be thankful for. Turkey day is today. Thanksfiving? When is thankgsgiving. today is thrusday and toward the end of the month with a late date of Thursday. I’m in the hospital and for two televes consecutive and out before both Christtmases . I’ve been in the hospital on thanksgiving. I’m writing in red ink on colorful autumn. Decorations approaching within winter days toward Christmas. Others are concerned about clearance and sale discounts in the days approach. Don’t be thankful for things of minimal expectation – or below at least. You said like an *sshole (intending harm. Got 94 words.Tis the bull crap.They call it (seasonal)

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones – zacie

Tablet Doesn’t Replace Current Computer Needs


The tablet which won’t replace your laptop. The commercial keeps saying the tablet which replaces your laptop. The Microsoft Surface pro. It isn’t a two in one tablet/laptop. Those can fulfill both needs, but I wouldn’t complete necessarily desktop hardware programmed system user/needs. They are different. So I need a laptop and a strong back up computing system. Most likely either a desktop system or a tablet system at or back up asymmetrical at least. Some tablets are smaller or bigger screens than others. The weight is light to carry and so on. It is marketed as replacement whether they felt upgraded or downgraded to a tablet.

Commercial just came on again. I could dance to it. It sells it. You should buy it and when you turn your laptop usage to a tablet, hear music go and feel cool.Do you fit in now? You might feel like it.

Che che cha la ka

By: Rosette Antoinette Zacie

Slogan by: Rosette Antoinette Zacie

12.30.14 aspiring – much to do writing blog


The sun came up and it is cold windy-(ing). I am looking at  16 minutes pass by seeking to write another thing for my blog whether its read is good set or this stuff. Something are they going to waste their time on boring and continue reading? Afternoon. This is blue ink. Tuesday special. Hot dogs are a dollar at this 7-11 to pass one up on the way. I’m not sure about their Tuesday special. They have their – own special sale programs. This blue ink, Tuesday – New Year before the weekend. Will I buy a hot dog? Will I go over? No. I don’t think I want the one dollar special on the day it is offered. I’ll buy eight pack for less at the grocery store diet ones for about a one dollar for 8 to 12: none of their business is it. Rosette wrote this getting it is a crap writing ~ until I fix the writing for entertainable reading viewing.

But I get crap. So, so – ink sun,  its not blue its month or galaxy – milky candy bar – On the directions toward stuff – they still kept writing. Still think that? They kept going? Who writes junk I like? I don’t like this. Hey why would they push the ‘like’ button? Let me yack some stuff about nothing not making sense for a moment. This is the garbage a blog in log in is a blog yellow ink in seasonal month  of astronomics, mapping out prints on sewing. This stuff in trends – like its facebook or twitter on what’s Rosette doing?

Who ? A no-oney? Never was? Began? Has Began?  Aspiring? Wishing – no they said – never was – but trying to be rich? Who Rosette? Rosette ? Rose at where? What I write? Did you read it? I might.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones – Zacie

quick press: much about nothing….

what’s on your mind? The question in the quick draft section in the WP Admin user tools of publishing in wordpress.. Scheduled? Do I have enough articles scheduled for publishing.

It is the 30th of January and Friday and the sun is up warmly as the spring approaches. Coming up with something to write about for immediate publishing instead of scheduled, includes my blog discussion to talk about drafts, and quick press This quick draft is more like a quick press: Something to come up with to publish about a topic for reader viewing quickly and press it. But just words about publishing and broad topic sentences about quick this and this quick that to get the writer started or the reader beginning? Get the writer started or the reader interested? Get the writer started or the reader going? I suppose I use quick draft and/or quick press to get the writer beginning for a much more in depth topic for my readers in up coming days.
BY: Rosette Antoinette Zacie Jones

I write, it hasn’t been looked for…

wordpress – what about wordpress… what have I got to say about word press. Some other time.

for now, I Rosette, write. I have  been writing and you do I think like criminal crazy on this one. Who the hek is – don’t pursue publishing. It’s that. And still seek to pretend to have read my material h\at me instead of pretend to want to or something else along accurate not harming me lines’

67 words – what’s wordpress? they had this invitation thing. Only for victimizing writers which wouldn’t receive their invitation to earn monies or something. Oh, that looks like something to try for. That was the point. So, I have come across subscription sites, I don’t think they charge much. But this is blog. crap.

I write.My name is Rosette. WordPress was an outlet to write – no – was to pursue more stardom – besides entertainment – as such – charges come along and I have this crappy publish – wasting time – this time. boring. It is mean. but I have already accurately stated this.

By Rosette

wordpress, did they ever read my writings. so I could have submitted them…? to freshly pressed – not this one… but historically well,

I will press – news – original, artistic writings. I am just trying to get out a publish a day for a moment, I have been having trouble trying to to do this so… after christmas, no before – blah blah… This isn’t a good write. but i don’t like not charging or receiving money as i am a phenomenal writer not even writing down notes – just making sure I get out a goal of quantity – too many words –

This is a waste of time – but I haven’t published junk in a while – it will keep my head straight and good – real..

By Rosette Again

A writing to publish for viewing

What to write about for a viewing of reading for me to schedule in the future for website reading. I am publishing about a topic for readers. To meet my efforts to attempt publishing something each day. I am also making efforts to have a new 100 words each day about something. It isn’t much and sorry to grab your interest and for you to feel unfinished article, and to wonder what about and other questions. So comment and ask them – I may re-blog. My writing stardom – efforts will continue as I hope I have one reader out of my audiences.

Topics are some but this is one which continues – so the question is – what is going on with the quantity. I don’t think it is about quantity. And the public says what they know about quality so for stardom – that’s the stuff, crap and I will seek to publish stuff like this repeated already, published new word – repetition – piece it to gether and sell it for success for good remarking. Such opinions = this is what?

No. it isn’t great or good. you read it. Yeah, I won’t ask why – but I might ask why did I continue this garbage seeking for a = something of interest to write on for I will do this as the reader wants something of interest to read about an not just this stuff called interesting or good as the writer seeks to a topic of something for categorical publishing on their website. Well, 241 words.

By”Rosette Antoinette Jones

and there you go. what , the end? Comment – I bet it is 2016 when I saw no comments still

hours in the classroom

11,000 — 1,600 age 16 — 1,600 times ten is 16,000
notes above…

So I am writing in response to an inaccurate disagreed upon comment about teenagers in the classroom – time spent read was less than entertainment – no…
homework/studies more this isn’t allowed truancy possible age 16 is 16,000 hours in homework studies classroom — i was studying before class stressing after in between and during learning double learning demands add another three thousand hours…

Is  19,000 hours projects papers assaulting than to stop them from working on it – they work on it more time – more classroom learning studies in such extreme victimization . 0 hour options… summer school wasn’t added. This said – average federal regulations? Minimum federal regulations require more classroom time than television time. Aren’t known low truancy violations – that’s truancy… The average teenager by the age 18. No. That’s a lie Keep up…

Teens might study or prefer entertainment by the age 18 more hours as they are hurt less by the demands of entertainment – but financial hurt comes from elsewhere and not from the attacks of something good. They feel good about the expense of paying what the learned still feel hurt as sent to them from elsewhere.

So these are notes in a response to critical thinking

By: Rosette Antoinette Zacie


I think I feel

no, these words are not used interchangeably. I am studying and came across a leisure reading – non – requisite and I disagreed with the comment –

I think isn’t interchangeable – people know what they mean when asked a question. Stated as fact. No they don’t. Oh. well they say they don’t. The understanding is simple and clear that on what is pointed out, stressed, the meaning, the importance they make at such. Others will be extremely stressed on accurate points of what they mean as far as what they are leaving as accurate. Meaning whether they are accurate are not to the point of the speaking.

These women I observe have a discussion or conversation used interchangeably or not yet in meaning of intentions. Not. Feel is different from thinking and the statement couldn’t be abrupt-ed as more wrong. – such slanted – I don’t write like this. Interesting. typically.

So, I feel weird. It is a feeling or thinking. I think they intentionally choose their words and I have asked this. Why do you say I feel. well. Maybe I will find the wonder answer to the whole thing soon. And when I answer why the sky is blue – people state this for maybe matching the subject matters discussed or personal preference. But I thought it was society or culture or as originally stated word choice and ridiculous to state interchangeable and maybe edited later for reading as the end there looks more academic.

By”: Rosette Antoinette Zacie

Rosette antoinette Zacie – xaceiry

Dashboard – what’s on my mind…

What’s on my mind? education, personal finance, plans, torture weather of too cold in Texas – winds called and referred to ice.

What’s on my mind? Quick Draft! no – what’s on my mind? I care. – so I go on and speak in speaking – but this is supposed to be a quick draft not a philisophical. – some other time. I corrext the stuff and there could be better on my mind is always there

The harm and insults of the remarks of freshly pressed become growing-ly harmful and offensive. I turned into the*=(mine) writing later on and if it matched the style – often it does – so then – just – They changed the freshly paged format front page in recent years and it isn’t as good of a selection which was one thing until they continue their best remarkings- no not okay. This isn’t a write for this when it is – I am beyond phenomenal – this is just blab and from hard work – I could go on.

What’s on my mind… You complain. but it is obvious – so I know – I go. they don’t . unwise. something perfect – complain. correct – make better . make correct. it makes no sense for the level of complaint is same or more and so on – they don’t know this for they gave up on finding good writers whenever this was. And then intentionally claim efforts of such. No. The number of freshly pressed daily hasn’t been a just a handful recently so no.

And WHO CLAIMS TO WRITE EXTRA – ! They should really stop. I work really hard. it’s really criminal and beyond unrealistic. Like a Call center blog, extra customer service 0 working to be a star. or something – a book?”! no…? Ya’ll would just work extra customer service in a blog format. I have been working on this – your labor works you either can’t stand of someone else’s hard working pursuits not always necessarily percentaging type of enjoyable,… reading through my own writings,

YA’LL CLAIM YA’LL WRITE AT ME – what’s on your mind the quick draft says and I supposed I could go on a little further.

labors, attacks, blocks, still see through, now go – oh – I – oh wait no… but they might – go I pretend it too in my current type of living where a laborer would be paid beyond more than what I live, I go look money opportunity to pursue to seek for me to fight and they say fake, no – they attack and stack – these things at me pursuing monies and then the one I have in mind, construction worker goes from beyond riches to (they’d call me that)- poor  or middle dependent on in the event I continued thus constructive pursuits while I cannot bare the cold in paid as you agree I live shivered.

ya’ll write at me now? a blog? what’s on your mind”? what ‘s on your mind. i am trying to publish daily and I needed to get out something decent and if you have a piece of studied mind, and decide to learn or have learned a thing or verb – thing or to , thing or preposition,  thing or two too, then – well..

i bore me… philosphy isn’t easy… good lazy girl – enlightening and thought provoking material with a lot of potential. look at this.. oh my good -nesss, and this I have so much to respond… – what’s on my mind, what’s on my mind….

Written – Authored – Rosette Antoinette Zacie j ZXACie


globalization transparency comment

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
The claims of transparency isn’t the word transparency assault. Ethics politics. In academic business discipline ethics, discusses but then it is a different discipline . The historical governmental politic area. How do you fulfill the claims people state they are at me?
they say they are righteous. Then in non- assaults name – when possible it can be greed – they don’t do the harm, the money taken is fulfilled – explained and defended – they are greedy -well another topic another time. No. they are not inflictors of harm (be explained being harm is intentional.)
the problem is you take confuse it for money and submit to the kind of worst kind of criminal. – Transparency keeps saying – everythings all right. Not here is the assault in monies. That’s not transparency. Or let’s make sure there is no assault – and believe it. Organization structure isn’t designed for this. In most likely designed to cause or keep removal of good business ongoings from occurring.

Call it transparency. it’s not this money. Why seek this but from blocking harm. It isn’t what they are after. Non-profit earnings. A charitable organization, a non-profit organization operating with volunteers and somehow an increasing demand that the volunteers might seek compensation so they are asking for transparency? Ridiculous,. Oooh those good intention volunteers sneaking and going all out this time, they are going to take, more than one thousand dollars this week. Instead of last week you know, that was one million dollars but now they have these transparency comments.

Rosette Antoinette Zacie J

If 10 million goes missing in a non-[rofit organizaiton, why are they seeking to invest a mainly voluntary non-profit organization like people wouldn’t seek some compensation. And defining this as transparency is academically wreckless. Transparency shouldn’t be just be anyone, but why anyone has access to others work operations of the way they conduct or report financials. There are reasons, but here. In a world where 130 million isn’t change missing to some organizations in this operating aspect of money going into a non-profits….but react like? This organization operates and communicates with international governments all over. 10 million dollars. Transparency is why aren’t they paying a mainly volunteer staff when they can state over a million dollars missing till function in this CPI price index.

but up to 8-9 million dollars pricing indexes. The initiave has it’s priorities out of wack.

– comment academic on globalization at Georgetown

also published at