Student Loan Forgiveness Fairness Vs. Constitutionality

Student Loans. Did you attend school? Did you take out loans? So the debate is ongoing. It is onto the supreme court for the forgiveness because people debate whether it is constitutional. Really? Maybe it is closer to whether the debate isn’t constitutionality but fairness. Would you have gone to school within a certain time frame if $10,000 was going to be forgiven if you didn’t go? Or did you go but pay off your loans already, have scholarships, work through college, or have tuition reimbursement. You don’t get the forgiveness that you had to work to attain. Also, certain majors might not be required for the jobs or careers they fulfill; however, teachers, doctors, & attorneys require degrees for their field. There are some loan forgiveness programs available for them which require them to earn less and/or other negative factors.

Really? What if you had saved up and paid cash for your school? You could have an extra 10 grand. Or if you could have gone to a better school that costs 10 grand more… But really these are all hypothetical scenarios. The problem is school is getting more and more expensive and in some cases becoming businesses for profit. However compensation to the employed graduate for profit isn’t offered within industry. It can be a struggle, which is one of the arguments. If students were paid for schooling like doctors might be, but then everyone wants a hand. Like the pharmaceutical companies, health insurance, and hospitals, and of course the university med school tuition and the instructors. What if it is streamlined like that in each field? Scary? Who knows…

I love the idea of inclusive opportunity. But what would change? Taxes? Each side can call the other side selfish… Selfish for not paying for your own opportunity vs Selfish for not caring about opportunity for everyone. If society suddenly altered it to pay for everyone’s education, then where would we be? One other side note. The 10 grand waiver is for people earning less than $125,000 a year. That is a far cry from many starting wages out of college. And it is really relatively high. After 10 yrs with NO PAY RAISES WHATSOEVER, you’d have $1.25 million in earnings. That is really extensive. Granted, someone earning $100,000 could have nearly $1 million student loans, so maybe there should be a stress test formula. Since after all, another student loan receiver could have only $30,000 in student loans and earn $95,000 a year. So, there are of course many factors to consider.

The end point to this article is the student loan forgiveness might not go through because there is so much push back against it. But the push back might not be there if it wasn’t an equivalent offer to all. It appears there might be fairness vs constitutionality wordage. So people will remember this and be happy or upset about either side of the debate because of their personal history with higher education.

Written By: Rosette Jones


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