Category Archives: Topic

I will do what today….


It is Tuesday the 15th and I am writing to make sure I have something for the 19th to publish. What will I write about. I went to a store today. I am checking something. I walked 2 miles today. I sang a song. I will do other stuff today. I applied for financial assistance today. I will write a blog today. I will maybe print out a blog today. What comes to do today. I will do more today. I will be online, on a website today. I will get to one hundred words today. I will 19 -2wash my hands today. I will focus today. I will complete a goal today. What will I do today? I will make sure I have something for the 19th of April to publish today. What have I written about? What seeking topic to do today.


By; Rosette Antoinette Jonees

Declare or Use Truth


Did we use something as true and then declare it truth?

Or did we first declare something true, then use the truth of what it is?

The truth is utilized as I flush a toilet for instance. The truth is, I might not need a plunger or plumber, but that it works. The truth is, it is a working toilet and I use this truth when deciding to use a toilet which works or broken. In this case, expecting the toilet to flush by conducting the action of flushing. Somehow, (moving on motion sensors or pushing a handle).

We use vehicles this way, declaring enough fuel or radio working, but vehicle repairs are much stress so a different example. The truth is in it working when the action is conducted of driving. Before I return to the facet example. But the mechanisms to work as true is the vehicular operating regularly in driving. Before getting to driving, like starting a vehicle, backing up using breaks and acceleration. Typically, I might turn the facet handle on and receive water as a result. The truths might be in it working, but it also means I might need to get water whether from the facet or otherwise and I use the truth of the operations of water facet handles to get the water it resulted. This is critical thinking truth. In philosophy, it is true I say it is true. My keyboard is in truth cause I declare the electronic hardware and software programs true. True is true. And it is so.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones

quick press: much about nothing….

what’s on your mind? The question in the quick draft section in the WP Admin user tools of publishing in wordpress.. Scheduled? Do I have enough articles scheduled for publishing.

It is the 30th of January and Friday and the sun is up warmly as the spring approaches. Coming up with something to write about for immediate publishing instead of scheduled, includes my blog discussion to talk about drafts, and quick press This quick draft is more like a quick press: Something to come up with to publish about a topic for reader viewing quickly and press it. But just words about publishing and broad topic sentences about quick this and this quick that to get the writer started or the reader beginning? Get the writer started or the reader interested? Get the writer started or the reader going? I suppose I use quick draft and/or quick press to get the writer beginning for a much more in depth topic for my readers in up coming days.
BY: Rosette Antoinette Zacie Jones

But these are notes. This is topic.

what’s on your mind – it is cold somewhat – in texas this december – the wind is out and things are going. with a different engagement information technology – of customer intelligence – business engagement information technology of customer interchange inter – relationed – transaction involvement in the business intelligence has gone to survey contest or survey coupons -business intelligence of reward cards and customer buying discount decisions of coupons back. Vehicle dealerships offer cash back but no grocery reward card, maybe on credit cards which at times offer percentages cash back and rewards and contest.

Business intelligence in projections and forecasting – in the cold conditions in the cold and cold things are going – coat business – heating business – heating technology business…. Present day technological intelligence of such machine operations for buying operational decisions.

This sounds like I don’t complete something – how untrue. I ask me what to write – so here it is. Engagement and involvement of the customer variances from product order decisions to second purchases or no more purchases in the occurrences of monies in December is a topic. So, I shall continue this topic.

Heating business topic – in technology forecasted projection in cold conditions and the forward advancement of technological intelligence and business informations. The technology – intelligence  and biusiness intelligence involving heating to customers could make better pricing discount cash back business relationships for frequency customer involvement. Such as bonus programs in certain locations.

But these are notes. This is topic.

By: Rosette Antoinett Jones – zacie