Category Archives: Series:

Sit. Stand. Think.


Sitting on the ground. Sitting on a bench , sitting in a chair – sitting in the air. Where will you sit today? Standing over here standing over there, standing next to where. Standing in the air. Where shall one stand here? Think. What do you think of what you think? Do you sit down or stand up? Thinking in a chair, thinking in the air, thinking right there, moving your thinking to where. What do you think of what you think. Sit. Stand. Think.

You tube

 By: Rosette Antoinette Jones Zacie

What is truth?


I called this book true. Seeking truth. Is it true? I read a book and this is called a book. Then the book is called a true book.

Then it is called truth. Seeking true. Rejected, in ability to find or know goodness. Goodness is truth. Truth is goodness. Argue later. Summationed. No, before after life truth is known; truth is lived in what we do, use and function every day. Arguing and agreeing on a word not necessarily a common used word of truth.

‘By:Rosette Antoinette zacxie j


solution Reasoning – reasonings

reasoning. solution reasoning is an idea if there is an issue to solve. Solutions and reasons = reasoning a solution- reasoning a thing or solution. They are discussing sports on ESPN and reason in their discussions of players when an NBA Television analyst speaks about the Cavaliers vs the Jazz and references their history playing backgrounds and coordination with teamates – (james lebron and college) – of the Jazz it looks like right now.

so, Grant Hill: “see how he fits in .. exactly what his role is… 12 assists a game….Irving isn’t a pass first player” –

They are not coaches making reasoning decisions for winning and not philosophizing or having an emergency biblical God bible study but they may use reasoning but thinking they are just gaming.

A different term and categories created in my reasoning is

  • gaming the basketball, gaming the football.
  • there is gaming and in gaming they may conduct reasoning’s. One may be solution reasoning which i bring up, not inductive speakings.
  • decisions and actions through these processes they might use in me looking at gaming skills from an academic perspective and complication-ing this through calling the gaming process a reasoning process.
  • looking, analyzing, or taking and game planning in various ways. Moving and thinking game quickly disconnects, interconnects, or other strategic gamings or reasoning s by inductive reasoning s or my write about solution reasoning.

Although it may be true, a reasoning process, the gaming term, I called it – gaming would be separated in reasoning s or discussions among coaches and which would be different gaming.

My solution reasoning idea and my gaming idea utilizing reasoning either inductive – not counter -inductive.

In gaming counter-inductive isn’t possible without removing the game from the game by assault. Repeated, solution reasoning and gaming utilizing reasoning in practice factoring what works whether it is inductive or just regular reasoning skills per game play, sport or strategy. But this is hypothetical and isn’t the most realistic necessarily that a coach will decide with one point left, and less than 45 seconds left at the end of the game, “oh no! I didn’t look again a my academic comments.” One has to study this possibly to use this recreationally and decide how much of it will apply and how it already does in a different way. They might need stress, gaming reasoning and clock reasoning. they want unrealistic research like winning reasoning for gaming.
Grocery shopping lists reasoning. Will that effect game plannings? Do they want to try it and what historical impact will it show if all teams in the professional sports do it. They won’t probably measure wins as much as peformance measurements on independent variables, such as non-counter-actions in a counter action sport for measurement aspecs. Kicking distance, and running speeds. But counter-action of running distance or tackling. No Tackling – they run faster. Running distance – they tackle better. So, the speed of the running. Anyway. Stuff like that.

By Rosette Antoinette Jones


Big information and Social Physics at MIT – part 2 of response

response to “can be predicted by the use of deterministic equations based on data” response to ‘one general…equation…[deriving]’ response to ‘determined based on a set of data’

Part 2 of response of equations based on data

No such thing as a one equation really seeking the and all answers . Specifically looking to find the question and change it out of the equation which isn’t universal and could no longer answer or provide and thus continuing to seek further inquiry of the equation not to answer and not to provide and one question does this. Don’t answer it. What would be asked but the complication you speak of and calling it deriving in social physics? this is the physics and/or social discipline. There are many and the equation capable may not derive from social physics or proved incapable in another discipline in the event of mistaken discoveries.

Response to “or each equation is determined based on a set of data?” This goes on to include many factors in equations and they would go looking for more data and call it the new set but, not what is always meant here in every way would be done in practice it might appear.

By: Rosette Antoinette Zacxie j

the next postings will be work written in a certificate course I earned in Big Data and Social Physics at MIT = I  have my academic notations category and this posting is very good and highly reccommnded….and might be posted separately, but several postings

Essential Concepts of disaster research Management

When I rosette, say in reaction to thiinking about last weeks responses to impact what emergency management research impacts. So, when i state in regards to one research perspective leading to more effective use through critical thinking instead of more effective use of critical thinking(thinking from research perspective (critically) is using through from critical thinking to research oersoectives and the leasdings of effectiveness.

So, as a results of impact and perspective research , I rosette concluded from my comments that, It depends on what they don’t do more than what they do. Essential concepts of emergency research in occupations,—-

Essential research important concepts in disaster management research-, to see what is going on to victims or those affected, negatively by disaster. Researching responses to how humans react and….

Essential concepts in disaster emergency conducting disaster management utilizing prior established emergent efforts from research perspective. The concept of essential concept of emergency management research is in occupation – the ideas, and actions. Disaster research is worked throughout pre-paring disaster, planning disaster and planning and repairs recoveries disaster.

This isn’t conceptual – it maybe arguable through emergency. Research they find essential and important information results and data to effectively conduct emergency maangement impact, if they did this. The theory of essential emergency management – does important and pertienent check emergency management to the necessary points (as a result of research or through research of accomplishing work completions)

This is just two preliminary cooncepts and theory making the a  las opposed to importance necessary effective and impacting emergency working research. Right now essential to important tasks done doesn’t mean effective plans or preparedness post or pre disaster. (unless for a task out of the many is necessary to be effective emergency management ) through working)

Essential concepts in disaster emergency research from a non-working perspective. I listed as though individual effected by disaster might research in their personal importance of disaster research essential concept doing. Essential concept is taking concern to not emergency management, but the person’s emergency disaster management.


It might include the business owner, victims, carrying low insurance payouts , need disaster management, other civilians in various ways. The concept research in how of essential concept management it can affect one is in fixing solution, not just answers but pre-planned prepared working answer/responses for the disaster situation. But nothing they can do or deter to another to ask isn’t in research of emergency management nor an essential research concept to disaster victims. So how about them able to do something and refer to another.

The victims affected might seek more preparing post disaster as essential research concept management. The theory of essential emergency management would fix what broken when possible in a very expected organizational ways  providing effective availabilities to issues for those social class individuals affected in disaster ( I’ve said this – so, social class affected – I don’t mean rich/poor – just driver affected by traffic needing answers – businesses across everywhere able to find answers seeking responses for them, business relations and customer relations, tourists seeking to leave or come into town.

So duh like appearing that when someone hears about emergency disaster management – they go in – straighten to make availablilitiest of what  the disaster affects.

That’s managing a disaster. Low insurance payout, complaints/appeals. Another table, locations hiring business which lay off or delay occupation. Destruction concerns and rebuilding without insurance solutions, and actions to do without need to rename the table when they cannot fulfill the concept disaster emergency management.

Other table, power outage and restoring facilities, grocery necessities, resident concern and necessities, other focus concerns.


effective action disaster response exploitation table reporting about emergent disasters responses – this means intentional increases on low insurance payouts and things recurring to disaster. This doesn’t include other things going on where a disaster isn’t. This does include a company pre – disaster compensated several dollars an hour from the high teens of $18.67 average low to low middle class ranges of $48.98 average. Now, there highest is above their lowest and why? Post disaster? People are seeking employment but the current employees might be left out to and are harmed – so responsive to the whole situation where the business is trying to hire more and not increase their expense by paying less with high demand for work to assist the work force, while lowering hours of work for the current employees complaining about the harm of their income, to respond to their current needs they worked to attain and receive. – but this is an organization near affected or directly a disaster. Not something going on.

Reorganization of this would most likely be more structured, bu this is a basic expectation which unaware think and call the meaning of disaster emergency management as expected in definition.

So, I began to focus toward concept. The theory does these mentioned actions as a working processes and procedures. Thinking detailed research and procedural functional task operating disaster plans and preparations without disappointment from of the level called emergency when the unfortunate occurence. The essential concept is meting updated expectations of emergency management and updating expectations accurately of disaster management. This is essential for preparing.

Written by: Rosette Antoinette Zaciery


emergency research disaster perspective

This week I have focused on assigning responses in a list of things I took one part of one focus and one part of another – (this for me will focus on preparing and planning recovery post disaster studies) – i structured this posting and how I use it to write.


This week I have focused on assigning responses in a list of things I took one part of one focus and on part of another: research perspective in emergency management

. Does a emergency management perspective…. Emergency and disaster management perspectives are different from the victims perspective of those affected by disaster [It is also a different perspective from outsiders who pretend care and is there critical thinking from anyone other than those of real concern] And do they claim more critical thinking of emergency management to those caring about their-self from nature or intentional disasters?

They don’t classify the Oklahoma city bomber as a terrorist as much in the government/office building bombing. College student shooters aren’t either. But that is a point of view or perspective. So do the emergency managers say their critical thinking is just more correct based on general complained management practice of the established management from general perspective? One question.

The use of different critical thinking – more effective in disaster management. I think it is obvious that those affected by disaster negatively doing seeking and working to improve managing a disaster might not only have a different research perspective but since they seek optimal(ism) for the specifics, even if tit didn’t include others, was wrong to others – and (wrong to disaster research management) – Then on the specified focus – self research – would most likely be more effective to those specifics. Not in general unless they seeked this.

So, if they are capable an the workers research perspective ranges with or without concern doing beyond, just enough, less than enough more than enough and so on. it is a different effective seeking research disaster perspective. Purpose is definitely different, motivation of financial need and/or seeking more out in the potential situation of community purpose finding. Purpose for one affected might include goals seeked to do something better for them.. Essential concepts of research to work in the different worker research disaster perspeective of compensations of essential need. Then the topics of essential concepts of research to personal interaction to a disaster management ongoings from essential personal solutions to the damages from the disaster.


Some thoughts partial part of two assignments, as I said. This is an intiative for oth

er book writing aspirations and I can reference my material here, but it couldn’t be turned in like this as it isn’t the assignment, but I can use some of my work here for my assignment.

Response to what I just wrote….

Does it lead to more effective use through – does one perspective lead to more effective use through essential concepts effective their perspective and the concerns of social logic thinking in research management? I think it depends on what they don’t do with their research more than what they do with their research in regards to effective  disaster research management

By: Rosette Antoinette Zaciery J

Forum week 2 – 2 of 2 responses in Research Emergency Disaster Management…


Working in an environment – volunteers are genuinely caring and sincere and genuine. But they are not turning down money in times of disaster.Productivity. They are productive, the workers work. But as far as increasing better work. No. Do they do more? They have less to do and less stress, because they don’t hire staff? In recent 12’s there are paid volunteers. But negative are the cheers of what they should receive and expect. They volunteer for theirself. They volunteer for the situation. They volunteer to assist out. But the answer isn’t exploit of situations when they would otherwise be compensated within a shorter allotted time of working without compliment structure.

They don’t have to be a specialized volunteer group. A qualified volunteer group with expertise will allot them to live their expertise beyonds while they have it known at them that they are in good deed workings as opposed to seeking something better for their self? Specialized? They are going to train them? That’s unheard of… They pay them. You should want them paid but why should they live that if you are going to support harming them in undue out when they would receive crappy monies, terrible pay and complaining just like the next one, but now they are in a specialized training expert group!
Disaster is negative. In times of disaster, they are scared about what could happen. But they are also concerned about the destruction, layoffs, shopping needs and so on. This is a negative impact to morality to constantly seek them for longer durations like they turned down money. Maybe the organization couldn’t do it right away. Maybe they seeked it out as a good thing for people and for what good things it does.


What else…. By: Rosette

Junk blog article for ya’ll : Garbage… not this one. (part 2)

I mean – it was llike  – look at this ford focues in a restauraunt parking lot in the the Dallas ft. worth metroplex. A cue, ford , focus. Focused on – Dallas Ft. Worth area(s) – beign red, 2 door.  Beign? Being red.  (a Styrofoam cup on the ground next to it).

Such a voice and people do that. They set their cups down in parking lots. And there it is. A Styrofoam and I wonder if it has any beverage left in it. The sun is up and gthe voice. – I heard something about someone “might be thirsty” – I responded, really. And a voice about it. Just a general story about a cup and no one is going to drink it. Maybe not news in the Dallas Voice but.

They already have a driving school. I bet their in warranty’s make’s sense. They sell the products. But they are in repairs. With an 877 toll free number on one of their vehichles, in the Dallas area. Again maybe not news but (just a comment – my take) Sears is a department store. All stores have a relationship of their own credit card company in years, some of them like sears go further like the Sears Mastercard which can be used anywhere but some do, the department store only or speciality store and funded another way. Zale jewelry at least in 2008 was Zales only. But, I think Wal-mart might do a Wal-mart Visa. (or not) just an example. Target’s got the red card and I think between the debit and credit card that once set up has anywhere’s available. I have to check not news – just boredom and 877 was toll. There’ssomething – not the latest news but general – Dallas area rapid transit – a year ago – was having buses break down and they’ve updated three different types of buses – so there are potentially four different types one could abord. One is this small little one, the other is extended and the aire conditioning works well, windows look forward to window updates on those and another, one could turn on air just not necessarily cool or hot and they ruined it. It was nicer. Got rid of it cause it ain’t $3.00 – it’s $5.00 , each 24 hours of torure. He’s knows what I mean. So red card is with Visa so you can go anywhere.  Wal-mart has a contract credit card relationship advertising for Discover card customers shopping or using their card at Wal-mart.

Written – Rosette.


ford focus grestyrofoamford mustang re

It’s a lifestyle blog…purchase . – publishing . – practice . – snippits 3 of 3

news Rosette 

How many words is this. I need little snippits on the side

Where’s my blog section…?


All of Rosetteismyname blogs written and typed by: Rosette Z. – [j.]


(all rosetteismyname blogs original writing by Rosette_)


News stands up to date and at the stations, are often appearing sold out. All boxes. was actually available a couple of times, less than 10 copies left. Not when they put 55 copies in there. Also, the Dallas voice, 4 copies left. ( Don’t like the title ) for the articles main focus is but, it is good. The title is fantastic. Sounds like, Voice, the voice. A title, the dallas morning news, the dallas observer, usually running out. Dallas Morning News runs out quite often. In Dallas, the New York Times runs out often. Gotta get my story out in time before the morning in Dallas, what is going on. Called observant, saw a movie – not 8 minutes or 21 minutes, uh –Go! Really good, years ago. Want you to read a story. So, not to bore you before you stop and put it down, increase my odds of you reading it, maybe – so 100 -200 words. Sometimes, 1,000 word article or 500.

Heard of manuscripts – sizes of 5-6 books. And have it be one, normal thing. I still wrote a short story. With less than one page. Spaced double or not. Children’s? Adult’s too? I post a picture or two.

I don’t like it. Maybe they just sell a lot of papers. I have grabbed the last copy of the [purchase of the] New York Times SSunday edition in the Dallas area 3 Sunday’s in a row. Better buy it, last copy. $5.99 ugh. Anyway. Each Sunday edition. (during the week it is $2.00 daily or lower subscription) It used to be under $0.99 daily.

Written by – rosettez zacie


Disaster – Where do they go to hurt for Assistance?

The official asked, something to let’s get them out of here, something  of insincerity – “where for them to go to hurt for assistance?” Stating it a different way, while they seek shelter, or food.

Where do they go to for hurt assistance of food or shelter? They are not asking about an heirloom but something disposable and obvious of the situation when they have more imperative needs.

Or is it the person requesting answers asking about disposable or heirloom or needed things? So, when the official asks about the disposable item instead of the necessity they stood in line to ask about [they didn’t sarcastically say they wanted the things they needed more than such things as a report of “ full of donated items”] and a report of 100 million in damages maybe they aren’t needing their donated items which they could replace such as trash you’d throw away.

Reported in the Dallas Morning News Sunday Morning, 5.26.2013 –

Recently this is in regards to out west in Waco, Texas where a fertilizer plant this recent Spring 2013 explosion and “100 million” in damages. In the recent couple weeks there have been over 8-9 tornadoes, reporting 10 tornadoes in the North Texas area and the DMN reports over “234.4” million in damages in tornado.

 Emergency Management looks like it has been impacted and complaints from various communities occur as a result of what they can or cannot assist with. People do what is for theirself.

Flash floods reported in the San Antoinio area,  picture displays them walking waistlines in waters. Associated Press. Hurt assistance, “stranded in cars and homes.” Hurting, assisted – a flood several feet high out here in Texas.

Written – Rosette Zaciercy


Referenced report in the Dallas morning News Sunday – ‘full of donated items’ and reports of over “98 million and 234. Million”

Disaster practice preparedness





The practice in the emergency matters: the field to make their roles fulfilled be more effective to those to recover from injury when the research is implemented regarding research practice and so forth. Investigations and inquiries for preparedness and warnings to stop and allot for the environment and society to benefit from positive and righteous outcomes within what this kind of research can be meant to the impacted individual of the disaster. As far as entity’s are concerned, the concept of the entity of the disaster’s of nature, career/job/occupation personnel retains abilities to build things which halt the damages.


Significance to society, the environment, civilizations and the outcomes and conclusions to the subject of study, research and discipline behind the practice between research and practice and other sorts of matters regard such to impact society in prevention of things inclusive of warnings and so forth.

Written by – Rosette Zacie

Published 5.21.13


Disaster – Practice – Development (2 of 2]–

3 days ago over 9 tornadoes damaged the north Texas area… – from CNN to yahoo news reports…

This chosen area to research in disaster and emergency was as the causes of better developments to prevent such property damages. The practice of just another tornado, recently in north Texas and people left homeless and what the after damages are out and what they don’t know for the victims of the tragedy? What they don’t do? What is done and who does it? Insurance?! Right! A policy on their $145,893.83 house is for $145,000, right? Here is a check for 35% of it or 57.8% of the house that is 43% paid off.  Practice in disaster development research for such things? Practicing disaster development for insurance or for damages but for the new homeless, and what such emphasis brings to the developments, (not the latest news.)

The practice of such disaster development  does a lot for pre and post disasters might report in an impact in emergency management for the development of further practice and research as a result of practiced and researched developments in emergency management.

Written by : Rosette [J.} – Zacie

published 5.19.13

10 tornadoes


Disaster – Practice – Development (1 of 2]–

The reason, I choose this current emphasis in emergency management disaster on research &    practice is sometimes with research and development fulfilling success to impact emergent matters between the actual portions of practice, research and development appears worthy of further examination. Such examination may not necessarily be done in depth in a one page under 1,000 word published release but such is such in academic notations and magazine and paper releases.

I mentioned practices and research. Beginning a bit in practices] – These practices, researching and developing for emergent occurrences and potential to what is meant to the individual within completed research, active developments, and/or the continued practices to a disaster area: preventions of empty, meaningless – futile property damages, (the repeated headline reported story (of another oil spill )not as often, something broken under the ocean, day 42-something and to complete a goal and purpose for stops to ever live disaster(s) and endings to the problems of the disaster areas. Such disaster research and development in practice for purpose of examination and fulfilling successful impact for emergencies and the events regarding emergencies develop practice and the new developments for disaster and/or emergency research.

Written by: Rosette Jones

Published 5.18.13

Quick Press: – Disasters Nature – 5.17.13

Traditionally, a focus on “all hazards’ – I have to say as this series begins…I haven’t enjoyed bringing in the terrorist attack into what the opens up as and thus continues within the descriptions of emergency management as disasters of occurrence with the adjective of tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, etc – .

Then! Bringing in the bombing at Oklahoma City with the information of drought or a tsunami and the nature of earthquakes. 9.11, Massachusetts bombing, I mentioned this in non disasters of storms or weather like
It rains all night one night. I’m homeless. A bit windy or cold, and a disaster crime of rip off and a lie of falsehood. And the news reports on… event of serious, fun of event…Disastrous cold windy rains in Texas, a really southern state.

No! not any other disasters, not volcanoes. Not traffic disasters, not the bad or good cooking. Such things of disaster…

While not sleeping is hazard since you should sleep, emergency management of weather in tsunami’s in North Texas. It rained. Traditionally focusing on such series and making posts for viewing of descriptive occurrences of disasters, it is just post.


Enjoy! Or not. One can read about what there is which subscribes or otherwise. Disasters; so what is a Massachusetts bombing disaster in a non disaster storm – no – just a Massachusetts bombing to bringing a bombing of Oklahoma city to the next bombings attacks or of intentional harmful disastrous…
So, it rains… or not pretty rain. Don’t be disaster, it not. It’s rain. Fall, wet rain, waters and so, who had to go and add the cold winds, god? Wet rains. I want to write my boring the reader stuff. Bored? Maybe…
Written by: Rosette Zaciersy – 5.17.13

disasters man made — nature disasters

I focus more attention on nature disasters. I state about attention being towards referenced but, many forum respondents appear to speak about the terrorist or other attacks or just accidents and such from events of occurrence. It appears a lot of attention has brought toward the other natural disasters effecting coasts, el nina, floods, storms, fires, earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes and so on; still, how it appears to come forward between the disaster of a hostage situation or the 9/11 which has been brought up. In reporting, it could be as someone once -told me, “photogenic” or there is the “shock factor,” there are headlines and people look at the sad families or the people awaiting the interview to yack about their broken new gadget from a quake or flood perhaps. (hopefully it wouldn’t be some priceless jewel, awaiting repairs –heirloom)

 The opposition would be to hear about the slaughter of the individual and how they are such a great person alive, but now after murder or injury, hope they live in eternal happiness and bliss, heaven. It appears the mixed in focus has done well and a lot of great kept separate since floods are of a different nature from an office shooting. Man made disasters versus nature disasters and calamities, catastrophies and other ways text states hazardous things are and my other leisure readings.

            Written by- Rosette Zasciery…

Emergency Management Studies…Intro… to disaster series.. continued…

After 16 weeks of indepth studies and report researches. I deliver a short research brief to such professing instruction, Shana Nicholson regarding Emergency Management with main topics in Research, Practice and Development and Disaster Theory. Forum Respondents and assigned readings assisted as well as additional researches, CNN, Fox, and NBC reports in media. Prior educational and occupational awareness and practice inclusive of business corporate and retail field trainings  (business/corporate/retail researching) and sciences inclusive of electives from grade levels through higher educational researches at Collin County Community College in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Studies in Environmental Science and in the South East Texas area out side of Houston, Texas, at Lamar University, Environmental Law studies, studying and researching through hazardous waste and more; in addition to Master’s level work with focuses in human relations and business with some government focuses in research and thus reports of efforts within developing(s) experience in education.

The series includes several parts of about 23-28 assignments of up to maybe 99 postings and more. I aware of the quick and 100 word postings and interest to non-interest and what not to bore you all. So, I say, 193 words and counting. I go on. I hope you enjoy such structure of postings from the semester, I brought in implications, vulnerabilities, impacts(this is in the field) and other parts of what my postings in Emergency Management. Also, focuses on recoveries, smaller disasters (initiative), evolutions of EM, etc. I might include some additional postings of my own, which I either worked on at the time, didn’t post, turn in, or additional initiative studies on my own.

Written by: Rosette ( J.] /Zacie

Emergency Management: Disaster Concepted—

By: – Rosette

Median mode range mean…

Basic terms, (discipline- mathematics_)
(Another discipline_) – I came across this University of Texas student enrolled in Urban Economics.

 Monday Massachusetts bombing In a hospital –
 Blast in a Texas Plant in 2013, yesterday
And between these storms of disaster, the nature of earth and the 9.11, bombings, attacks –
1. Volcanoes
2. Hurricanes
3. Tornadoes
4. Lightening storms
5. Earthquakes


  • radioactive waste
  • radiation
  • oil spills

, (another recent, school/and university shooting within 12 months)
The median of disasters within emergency management of disasters could be these sudden storms, any of these storms from volcanoesh to the tornadoes they were watching whether they formed or a lightening storm appeared. So Emergency management in median is well between the tornado watches on the weather channel last night, the hurricanes in the fall, such as the recent one this 2012. The man made ones like the ones in recent news: – Firestorms and bombings – What’s Goings. There is a winter storm. Lots of snow I saw reported.
{2005 – fall – hurricane Katrina/ Hurricane Rita}

Median mode range mean…
       Tornadoes, lightening storms, – It’s cold outside today. In Texas, it is usually extreme heat and sometimes extreme cold. People up north don’t think that Texas gets to 17 degrees before a wind chill factor. (feeling colder). The mode of reference in mathematics, occurs often in the example typically set forth. So, hurricanes, hit coasts. I haven’t heard in about 25 years of 31 about a hurricane in a lake in the outside of coast lines throughout the globe. Monday, a Massachusetts bombing – urban economics of mode and a Massachusetts hospital bombing, the urban whether the hospital is urban or not as a factor of the disaster when they speak about ‘poverty’ topic news in regards and in relating to the hospital bombing. Poverty in sociology claims a constant discriminatory factor against victims. That’s politics in emergency. Rape isn’t politics in emergency. It is a crime. It is mode factor. So crime of a bombing. Massachusetts, I turn the news on this morning and it is on two channels,
Median mode range mean…
   Small Firestorms, in 2007 burning homes, an entire forest, in California. Also, just some years prior there was debate brought up in my Environment Sc – (2301) College course about an endangered species dying. The female professor had an extensive background in the field. It was a pretty major fire. The water left to put out a fire was in a lake/pond with an endangered fish species dispute with firemen trapped and could die. The endangered fish in the water or the fire men to save while a fire still burns. Texas plant on Fire last night and 40. The Massachusetts bombing to firestorm and urban economics ranges. There might have been killings and even a fire, urban location of bombings to various firestorms inclusive of the one in Waco Texas, last night to the money aspects of about emergency. The money to firestorms and to the fire and locations in emergency. Different higher and lower amounts in urban economics and locationed to fires or the lake/pond.
Median mode range mean…
   The range from disaster to disaster and the about of occurrence in national weather. I’ve seen most in the past, the early 90’s. Rains, Floods, and winter storms – occurrence of more often than the- but average out disasters is different. Storms can cause fires and tornadoes, yet a lot of rain, loud thunder, (vehicular accidents) an effect of rain…more so than a cause. Massachusetts bombing, economics, well in monies, average returns on insurance claims come in from disaster, yet it relates to emergency it is more on the math side in a way. The average bombs in the Massachusetts bombing to the average fire “blast” in last nights report Headline on CNN “BLAST in a plant in Texas.” So the average blast towards bombs in the emergent ambulances, “there are a lot of reporters out there” the anchors and broadcast correspondent said, so reaction to such explosives, chemicals and the average of ambulances responding when they reported, “they said by now that 40 had been taken to the hospital.”
Chaos theory….
God almighty is powerful in these disasters and just spoke to me on this (Median, Mode, Range, Mean)… potential to speak about.

written by- Rosette Zacie
1. CNN – Cooper, Anderson
2. God, Almighty Supreme Being

Disaster: Response Emergency Preparation

I’m Rosette and further responding to Karlene Durfey’s article once more…
Karlene Durfey, (forum respondent) states within her introduction:
“definition of disaster is never really decided: and will always be a continued discussion for as long as mankind has a say in the processes of the formulation the debate, debacles, and arguments” – Karlene Durgey
Hazards in such of disaster implicit and explicit within culture is also dealing with the set as shared or otherwise in regards to and in conjunction with correlated environment rules of behavior.
The chapter within a literary piece on Disasters, The Angry Earth: focused much on social and the individual of behavoristics and dealings somewhat goes further in depth in behaviorism within cultural studies and sociological aspects.
“one major concept I continue to find in common in most of our readings is how the definition of disaster is never really decided: and will always be a continued discussion for as long as mankind has a say in the processes of the formulation the debate, debacles, and arguments.” – Karlene Durfey stated…
            “Disasters are conjunctural events. They document linkages between past and present, tradition and politics , response and change, behavior, adaptation, and survivability at a time when the issue of…” – Page 15 of The Angry Earth (Hoffman, Susanna)
Hoffman mentions pre- Chapter One, “The definition of [disaster research] involves issues of policy as well as science,…an event a disaster or not may set in motion programs and practices which impact affected communities. “
Disaster in Emergency Management Disaster as one way not to decide within the debate, debacle, and argumentations, then conjunct to event or as correlation of environment and hazards of such environment and Hoffman stating documented linkings of traditional politics as part of the [response/change/ behaviorisms,etc] as stating potentially an analysis summary of combining a two definition researched into one. As in conjunct event to debate, debacle, to correlate and conjunct to environmental hazards conjuncting and linking response politics and so forths is to potentially define a form of Emergency management with conjuncts of debate – correlated politics to environmental hazard responses and so forths. Responses to Political and emergency, environmental debacles and hazards as well as the responses to the emergency management recovery and prepare processes could be set up to establish – Response Emergency Preparation.
So while seeking to define the disaster term alone with two very good quotes in the future. In the meantime a disaster response emergency preparation definition shall do. Thanks to my research references Hoffman, Susanna and Karlene Durfey.
To develop more within further review and research, however it struck my attention:
“The result of
this evolution is a National Response System based on
the National Response Plan and the National Incident
Management System that is perceived to have failed in
the response to Hurricane Katrina.” – Harrald, R.
The potential development of my Response Emergency Preparation Organizational potential proposition doesn’t at first feel like it is to the ‘evolution’ of a National Response System with inspirations of two other National response and Incident Programs.
Written by – Rosette Zacie
References – Karlene Durfey – American Military University – Master’s Degree Level student – Forum Respondent
 The Angry Earth. Susanna Hoffman
Agility, Critical for Disaster – Harrald R.
Written by – Rosette Zacie

iced coffee commentations Part 1 of 3


Part 1 of 3 – iced coffee commentations





Then I ordered this gross yucky really sweetend vanilla white mocha… I didn’t specify the pumps, so I knew why – the moment after I had a sip… Didn’t require extra sweeteners – but coffee’s coffee – It’s not supposed to be a trash can…

Now, a chair isn’t a trash can – so a chair is a chair an isn’t supposed to be a trash can –

Yeah well they changed it to the seat – Yeah ! it  – a chair is a chair and a bench is a bench and a bullet defense automatic rifled tilish lazer blaxerived is a bullet defense automatic rifled tallish lazer blaxerived.

Written Zacncie, Rosette

Disaster Babble… part 2 of ____

my continued babble of part 1…

some fire in California – in 2007… bringing houses away through burnings…I am a caring person – See the rich mansion burn down….05 – they ignore some other effecting thousands of people disaster – and uh – Hurricane Katrina…

Look at those houses, Saying feel sorry for the really poor poor people and look at the new people who might become poor – and I felt sorry for them to,
but middle class or rich house isn’t – “I like my house – I’ve worked hard for” – no and it isn’t that BS insult to be so offended to hear that crap look at how they are going to call Brad Pitt Spectacular! I am sure he had good intentions, right, – but they promoted and news reported like they were actually helping people who had been hurt – [more on that in a moment- – –
So part one – Fire storm , Fires Storms…… sounds flashed zazzy – XING!
No! I am not saying that in 2007 which most of those houses aren’t mansions – they didn’t work hard. no! There is a difference and dare I insult RICH stars – I mean no harm….
Man, I am like when it comes to the fire’s and who they were sad for and what to look at. Let’s report about the $24,529.82 – $2.3 million – poor people and show you $67.83 million to $ 2.2 billion homes to look at. {yada blah}

to be continued…

Written, – Zacie, Rosette