Category Archives: Philosophy

Sit. Stand. Think.


Sitting on the ground. Sitting on a bench , sitting in a chair – sitting in the air. Where will you sit today? Standing over here standing over there, standing next to where. Standing in the air. Where shall one stand here? Think. What do you think of what you think? Do you sit down or stand up? Thinking in a chair, thinking in the air, thinking right there, moving your thinking to where. What do you think of what you think. Sit. Stand. Think.

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 By: Rosette Antoinette Jones Zacie

What is truth?


I called this book true. Seeking truth. Is it true? I read a book and this is called a book. Then the book is called a true book.

Then it is called truth. Seeking true. Rejected, in ability to find or know goodness. Goodness is truth. Truth is goodness. Argue later. Summationed. No, before after life truth is known; truth is lived in what we do, use and function every day. Arguing and agreeing on a word not necessarily a common used word of truth.

‘By:Rosette Antoinette zacxie j


solution Reasoning – reasonings

reasoning. solution reasoning is an idea if there is an issue to solve. Solutions and reasons = reasoning a solution- reasoning a thing or solution. They are discussing sports on ESPN and reason in their discussions of players when an NBA Television analyst speaks about the Cavaliers vs the Jazz and references their history playing backgrounds and coordination with teamates – (james lebron and college) – of the Jazz it looks like right now.

so, Grant Hill: “see how he fits in .. exactly what his role is… 12 assists a game….Irving isn’t a pass first player” –

They are not coaches making reasoning decisions for winning and not philosophizing or having an emergency biblical God bible study but they may use reasoning but thinking they are just gaming.

A different term and categories created in my reasoning is

  • gaming the basketball, gaming the football.
  • there is gaming and in gaming they may conduct reasoning’s. One may be solution reasoning which i bring up, not inductive speakings.
  • decisions and actions through these processes they might use in me looking at gaming skills from an academic perspective and complication-ing this through calling the gaming process a reasoning process.
  • looking, analyzing, or taking and game planning in various ways. Moving and thinking game quickly disconnects, interconnects, or other strategic gamings or reasoning s by inductive reasoning s or my write about solution reasoning.

Although it may be true, a reasoning process, the gaming term, I called it – gaming would be separated in reasoning s or discussions among coaches and which would be different gaming.

My solution reasoning idea and my gaming idea utilizing reasoning either inductive – not counter -inductive.

In gaming counter-inductive isn’t possible without removing the game from the game by assault. Repeated, solution reasoning and gaming utilizing reasoning in practice factoring what works whether it is inductive or just regular reasoning skills per game play, sport or strategy. But this is hypothetical and isn’t the most realistic necessarily that a coach will decide with one point left, and less than 45 seconds left at the end of the game, “oh no! I didn’t look again a my academic comments.” One has to study this possibly to use this recreationally and decide how much of it will apply and how it already does in a different way. They might need stress, gaming reasoning and clock reasoning. they want unrealistic research like winning reasoning for gaming.
Grocery shopping lists reasoning. Will that effect game plannings? Do they want to try it and what historical impact will it show if all teams in the professional sports do it. They won’t probably measure wins as much as peformance measurements on independent variables, such as non-counter-actions in a counter action sport for measurement aspecs. Kicking distance, and running speeds. But counter-action of running distance or tackling. No Tackling – they run faster. Running distance – they tackle better. So, the speed of the running. Anyway. Stuff like that.

By Rosette Antoinette Jones