Category Archives: current event news


Now quarantine is a controversial topic.  People have lives to return to that might be affected by such an emergency. It may be found unnecessary, overboard exaggerated and offensive. Others might describe it as cruel and not protecting the individual being quarantined. In fact, I don’t see it as always seeking protecting me while exposure to certain individuals could make oneself ill immediately. In presentationed of oneself to society, they do not offer this in claimed intentions peformed through actions behaviors, and supporting remarks. People are good. Look at her. Lovely, a smile even. Sophistication and care for others. So, I doubt they’d do it on purpose and as a result anyone with some thought processes would want a quarantine in the name of their protection. What else are they doing to prevent spread besides possibly causing one if the disease reacts negatively to a quarantine?

If you caught yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, so many of you decided to just hurt to think something fake. So, since your not wishing for the time to go by slower and deciding not to like the seconds in your potential quarantine, nope, you say it won’t happen, well, you could be stuck inside months in a quarantine dependent on how long they decide to keep you there making you ill even, with a non – quarantine sickness due to negative unhealthy effects of suffering longer durations of quarantine in the name of something supposed to be good, emergency management.

So when they are managing this declaration of an emergency – in this instance, it is prevention of an emergency and plans, which is also good, wonder about the nobel prize someone won while your stuck somewhere.


By: Rosette Antoinette J



Dr. Bruce Beutler, a Nobel Prize winning doctor and medical researcher supports New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with his plan for a 21-day mandatory quarantine

Also published at

Steve Nash out for the season

STEVE NASHI saw the headline. I am in the dallas area. Whatever  and wherever his career began. But here in dallas the fans saw  nash.  – they were on the – Anyway, I’d seen a headline in 2003 or 2004 – they’d had a season not losing their first 28 games. And wow,! I thought, I should watch the Maveriks – I slowed down watching NFL – football of the cowboys – I think I pereferd watching troy aikman over romo anyway – oh/// –

Well anyway- – – they are winning. Wow 28 – wins – no losses or whatever ridiculous number it was. So I watched the next basketball game.  blueline talk.  NBA all star – 8 times  So, that year, I watched them that season, I think they won the next, and then about  5 seasons, they won about 3 seasons ago or so, actually twice at least.

t – Nash not playing for the LA lakers out for the season and what that is to LA fans. Well, if they remembered here,= the dallas area,  that is a loss for LA – the way Dallas sees Nash as an NBA player. I’d think it was common knowledge of past MVP award for Nash and to Dallas fans when he was playing for him and when I lived that – it is obvious he would be up for a most valuable player award. – he’s won that twice –  something about 7 times nba all star team.

by: Rosette Antonette Zacie j

“HE WAS ALSO ON THE SUNS” – ROSETTE I saw photos of reminders of previous playing of a category of year 1996.

US Olympic USA outfits on Today show…


Today show - carson daly and othersThe US Olympic Uniform for athletes to wear looks busy and dorky. The navy looks good-  it looks like a craft project. Not behind the fashion name Old Navy or something would pick up. I’d wear it. But in a group of people. They look like cute goofs! together. My outgoing personality fits me. I don’t like the hat. I might not wear the hat. The Today show – they were wearing them – cute goofs – looks good individually though. Good luck to the USA winter Olympic athletes team.ralph lauren models.

By/; Rosette Antoinette Zacie

ralph lauren models


Justin Bieber – DUI – throwing eggs – Drag racing

justin bieber1.24.14

Perfect poster child – not a law breaker at all image  – is brought under arrest – Justin Bieber claims of DUI reported and reusable mainstream media morning outlet.

It not seemingly nor appearling-ly – justin to ever break the law performing and showing good looks – posing for picture. DUI? what? Justin Bieber clean image stuff – look abiding citizen intention communicated and star to concerts and so on. He’s a star. Stars never would be assaulted to do anything and don’t break laws.

justin bieber2

Justin Biever’s  hot! The girls scream, faint?

He’s on tour making his Justin Biebers  millions, riches. And now attacked 

& arrested. Drag racing – cute Egg throwing – kids throw eggs – like birds pooping on your body (not that often) – Justin Bieber is child fun money making people who’d try to steal his. Jealous individuals go buy his album. Assaulted trying something – maybe one day even. The point is Justin bieber is a star – others are not – suffer that assault, make it and don’t change it? What’s he going to do? Race for nascar

by Rosette Antoinette

by rosette antoinette j – Zacie

Macy’s 360,588 letters

Macy’s 360,588 letters received toward Santa at Macy’s department store check Macy’ All the letters to Santa at Macy’s. Could they bring the price down for Christmas, Santa? believe. Santa doesn’t sell his gifts at a department store? Believe. How about God? Writing Christmas letters to God. Macy’s is taking letters. Santa Brings sale prices to gifts and sets them down in a department store.

By: Rosette


Jp morgan…Enron

7.29.13 – monday

470 million paid here. 83 million paid there. JP morgan and energy companies reports of a scheme and no profits made until scheme crimes occurred. 500 million might be paid by JP Morgan in allegations of manipulated prices. JP Morgan reported a record profit of 65 billion.

Reminds me of years ago Enron reports. The states involved is California and Michigan. But national popular successful companies that report earnings of 500 million may only pay 15 million on so. Because JP Morgan reports 65 billion, they increase their fine settlement potential? When the same crime for a 15 million dollar annual company could have been fined less than 1 million, not 500.

Schemes and manipulation. The accusatoins against JP Morgan got to manipulation fines.

By: Rosette Antoinette Zaxcie – jenronjp morgan


2025 – why would they promote an executive MBA?


2025 – why would they promote an executive MBA? a bill board sign at the longhorn university promotes this – It’s over a decade away. 2025 – red bricks in the yard. Oxford – by rosette – I speak it’s on a stick. Minature lights of a lights on flickering. Before Christmas still December. God found his tempo. It’s  12/25/13 Today it’s 12.19.13 – no. It’s 12. 20.13. gotta write 2 articles (published in the new year) There is one this is.

By: Rosette Antoinette Zacie – j

[everyone knows I wrote it they say to me]:{By:  Rosette Antoinette Zacie


response to

      The news about health still speaks of technical updates and visitor ratio’s – reporting over 849,357 people on the website. And less than 1 per 200 visitor error ratio. Speaking of health insurance enrollment extensions past healthcare updates and dates extended in December for the new year and other enrollment extensions between January 1, 2014 and March 31st on health care enrollment payment plans.

      They mentioned Obama’s enrollment in referred to a “bronze” plan I don’t think it means 3rd place though. They referred to his plan in a tone of modesty displayed (as in potentially gold and silver plans) I looked at it and they make available estimates to healthcare coverage candidates. They had silver and gold options…Hypotheticals most likely depend on the questions answered and responses.

By: Rosette 12.24.13

ABC news van out

            Why does the abc news van local channel varies have to work so hard and be out in some news broadcasting van? They have the resources and it doesn’t look comfortable. This morning, abc news van is out and looking for whatever they were looking for. Parking and then backing out. Ridiculous, crazy, news hidden.  So, it’s September, and so many closings and openings of businesses recently and look for it under this assault. (cnbc, nbc and the other 5 nbc,s.) I like, hmmm to keep correct without corrected or correction of meaning, I have liked CNN, CSPAN…

Anyway, a balloon festival has been out in plano and I saw 5 of them in the air and 2 of them looked like a bag I bought at subway sandwich restaurant with stickers inside to post on my bag. Some major local news might report on it already but I don’t call it news. The balloon stickers, 2 of my balloons , matched them in the air, making fun of me, myself at the corner in Plano. – Remax

            So, while the balloon festival is this year a September event, so, maybe in dallas all the downtown announcements for people to head out there has got – oh yeah, the cotton wood festival is going on.  I don’t think it’s news though. Maybe they were looking for something else. This is boring. 4:07

Written – rosette

broke vehicle

broken carThis Sunday morning a girl outside. Starbucks, a vehicle didn’t  start. Maybe a ford I heard it is about 15 years old. A  1990’s vehicleand some cute hot shirtless guy came to repair it after an appeared phone call to shirtless hot. White dice over a visor. Anyway I like my snippet, still Sunday I hear she is off to work, sun up. Beautiful rise. Maybe she might go through the drive through later. I think drivers purchasing vehicles  hope for one younger than a 1980’s to a 1990’s vehicle.

New in 2009 was a 2009 vehicle, but it’s getting old – reliable or not, now 5 years old soon. 200 models built in 20009 so brief ~~~ almost story to news blog.

POLITICAL. …. Cars, AAA cost too much  for breaking down and not lasting longer than vehicles should last 3 minutes , 1 minute plus use of 2 minutes.  – – – Political sarcastic. Real. Back up transportation isn’t everywhere so driving a vehicle doesn’t only be stressed.


By-rosette (j-zacie

he girl is a skinny brunette like the girl in this picture,  but her vehicle is red.

 By -Rosette (j-zacie
