Category Archives: Academic Notations

Student Loan Forgiveness Fairness Vs. Constitutionality

Student Loans. Did you attend school? Did you take out loans? So the debate is ongoing. It is onto the supreme court for the forgiveness because people debate whether it is constitutional. Really? Maybe it is closer to whether the debate isn’t constitutionality but fairness. Would you have gone to school within a certain time frame if $10,000 was going to be forgiven if you didn’t go? Or did you go but pay off your loans already, have scholarships, work through college, or have tuition reimbursement. You don’t get the forgiveness that you had to work to attain. Also, certain majors might not be required for the jobs or careers they fulfill; however, teachers, doctors, & attorneys require degrees for their field. There are some loan forgiveness programs available for them which require them to earn less and/or other negative factors.

Really? What if you had saved up and paid cash for your school? You could have an extra 10 grand. Or if you could have gone to a better school that costs 10 grand more… But really these are all hypothetical scenarios. The problem is school is getting more and more expensive and in some cases becoming businesses for profit. However compensation to the employed graduate for profit isn’t offered within industry. It can be a struggle, which is one of the arguments. If students were paid for schooling like doctors might be, but then everyone wants a hand. Like the pharmaceutical companies, health insurance, and hospitals, and of course the university med school tuition and the instructors. What if it is streamlined like that in each field? Scary? Who knows…

I love the idea of inclusive opportunity. But what would change? Taxes? Each side can call the other side selfish… Selfish for not paying for your own opportunity vs Selfish for not caring about opportunity for everyone. If society suddenly altered it to pay for everyone’s education, then where would we be? One other side note. The 10 grand waiver is for people earning less than $125,000 a year. That is a far cry from many starting wages out of college. And it is really relatively high. After 10 yrs with NO PAY RAISES WHATSOEVER, you’d have $1.25 million in earnings. That is really extensive. Granted, someone earning $100,000 could have nearly $1 million student loans, so maybe there should be a stress test formula. Since after all, another student loan receiver could have only $30,000 in student loans and earn $95,000 a year. So, there are of course many factors to consider.

The end point to this article is the student loan forgiveness might not go through because there is so much push back against it. But the push back might not be there if it wasn’t an equivalent offer to all. It appears there might be fairness vs constitutionality wordage. So people will remember this and be happy or upset about either side of the debate because of their personal history with higher education.

Written By: Rosette Jones


How do you decide which six sigma process to use


How do you decide what six sigma process to use?

Look at the situation and analyze the situation and analyze the situation. Before you bring in measurements, did the analysis (business operations) [of the situation] decide this as part of the actional planned process or another control. I need to study control more. You could use a part of six sigma process and then an aspect of another for improvements for accuracies and/or eliminations of costs/wastes. Define control from different aspects could be to ensure mechanisms processes worked in sigma remain effectively in  place for betterments. Process control as six sigma is define, measure, analyze move and control operations. Control processes and methods could effect how one decides to go about the active processes, the pre six sigma versus the post six sigma.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones

six sigma – commentary notation


Has the new six sigma met or exceeded its goal? As a supply chain specialist was the goal six sigma? Or was it profit and lets use six sigma? But the business skip is they decided they what stuff is about and concluded their expertise they needed whether it is a match or not and decided it was six sigma. They are saying they know the expertise they need to hire. Are they trying to meet goals? What is the first thing one does in a six sigma situation?Try for the first step toward a process in six sigma, especially defining and recognizing the business scenario situation of six sigma. By Rosette Antoinette Jones

Concept of Six Sigma from a certified white belt 2015 – – – 04.06.2015

Concept of Six Sigma from a certified white belt 2015 – – – 04.06.2015

The six sigma of an 80 calorie plain sundae [no cone] or it is more calories, 170. In lean six sigma I eliminate six sigmawaste by not ordering the cone, but cup and remove wasteful categories. In efficiencies and quality, I don’t waste food, a cone nor caloric intake. Quality is closer to what I seek in healthy accuracies of diet and exercise and solutions equating to a quality result throughout my nutrition program. Mc Donalds plain sundae

Also, not  to waste calories, I prefer to throuw out the bread, as sometimes, the buns are up to 200 and around calories. Applying six sigma, one can feed the grain plant (wheats) to ducks or canines. I wrote this note for lack of white belt material, since I plan to obtain additional six sigma certifications. By: Rosette Antoinette Jones

The truth of basic operations.


doorThe truth of basic operations. Rotation. I left the door open. It is true it works closes and opens. In operations, the door rotates and turns to the bathroom. The door may be 360, 180, 90 degrees and so on.  Locations to stop. The truth is when the door is there closed, I am able to enter as a rotating doorresult of rotational operations, capable. When the facet operates properly, water comes out, one can get wet or so on and so forth. The truth is, it can be a machine automatic door or built tofunction for the user in a different way. The facet operates with cold or hot water when the corresponding operational handle is rotated. By: Rosette Antoinette Jones.

think better postitive remarkings



Affirmations are boring and cliché. Supposedly they can make you feel better about yourself. One can make their own positive or negative affirmations. One can use positive affirmations when copiing skills. It could decrease stress levels and effect depression. No, I was writing. Affirmations could be a way to alter or upgrade habitual behavior in a good way, making better ways the brain is thinking and effect action and decisions in a positive affirmation way.

One I came across, my life has meaning and purpose makes me know about the meaning and purpose instead of seeking to find one meaningful purpose in what I’m doing. So, I shall state, my life has meaning and purpose and have meaning and have purpose, but I should be living it working not thinking or worse, knowing it is working in some way out there beyond futures.

Realistic affirmations can help the same or different from unrealistic affirmations. The might or might not dependent on how the individual responds to affirmations.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones


Knowledge Studies


Knowledge Studies

Analyzing know studies and to conclusions and resulting cause/effect summations – (as result) in knowledge studies and meanings for use of conclusive knowledge works/correlates to understandings in learnings and knowledge studies thereof.

Some pieces of knowledge studies don’t include the huge percentages of learning involved. But that’s the study of knowledge. Studying knowledge not studying learning before knowledge studies. You know it because you learned it. Also, one is in knowledge studies if knowing of what and how and so on, therefore, they learned it.

Realization to be writing on studies of what I’ve known through how I learned or known it. A study of known studies. Again, studying what you are knowing after knowing or learned it. Analyzing knowledge through practice or study to confirmations can be lived daily or occasionally. Knowledge studies, a topic I created to write on while studying critical thinking.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones (Zacie)

Declare or Use Truth


Did we use something as true and then declare it truth?

Or did we first declare something true, then use the truth of what it is?

The truth is utilized as I flush a toilet for instance. The truth is, I might not need a plunger or plumber, but that it works. The truth is, it is a working toilet and I use this truth when deciding to use a toilet which works or broken. In this case, expecting the toilet to flush by conducting the action of flushing. Somehow, (moving on motion sensors or pushing a handle).

We use vehicles this way, declaring enough fuel or radio working, but vehicle repairs are much stress so a different example. The truth is in it working when the action is conducted of driving. Before I return to the facet example. But the mechanisms to work as true is the vehicular operating regularly in driving. Before getting to driving, like starting a vehicle, backing up using breaks and acceleration. Typically, I might turn the facet handle on and receive water as a result. The truths might be in it working, but it also means I might need to get water whether from the facet or otherwise and I use the truth of the operations of water facet handles to get the water it resulted. This is critical thinking truth. In philosophy, it is true I say it is true. My keyboard is in truth cause I declare the electronic hardware and software programs true. True is true. And it is so.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones

View of Truth

View of Truth  –categorical critical thinking

The most reasonable view of truth is when at least one set of agreed laws/rules/methods or theories concept background rules correspond to or theories background corresponds to what we use as truth in at least one accepted set of 2 people or more or groups. But jumping to argument or situation examples.

Truth corresponds to truth from any aspect  or perspective of truth from any aspect or perspective of truth found in an aspect of an example of reality, for instance. Real is true from perspective. What perspective? Maybe a realistic perspective of goals or situations is in truth corresponding to the truth perspective. Or things or objects or the updated new plasma television screen is a real aspect of truth. Truth corresponding to truth from true aspects and true perspectives.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones (XsXZacie)

I look at curtains, it’s (false or true) but it is real. Maybe it’s true. Real can mean true. But after really false things in truth, true could be real or not real. But that is real or not real- but not false , another discussion.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones (Zacie)

Study. Learn. Knowledge.

What will you study. Study. Learn. Continue to grow onto other better things for yourself. Work or occupied in societal contributions has great attributes. I write to accomplish something one day. Busy with studies or educations in learnings for knowledge of one’s minds, in one one mind. Having many brilliances  to stating several things towards conduct occupies in workings for the best persons and doings of disciplines at times, now and yesterday, before tomorrow. I write to do more for myself hopefully one day, to accomplish through attributes and this part of my aspect. Study. Learn.  Knowledge one’s self.

by: Rosette Antoinette Jones (zacie)

interested in stress education values


Do you want to study a topic you don’t think you express the most interest in? Formal education isn’t examination certification. A different kind of stress. Will you be in love with what you learned from being of original interest in? Your not interested in it types of formalities of love within education sound ridiculous. Didn’t they at least. Wait and learn after April months and before your in between expressions of interested warmth breeze without undo stress.

By; Rosette Antoinette Jones Zacie

Discussion broadly of education topics and partial  feelings of interest…Or did you feel smart? /does it make you value better and so on. (or have better values) Are you in love with a book or someone? Are you in love with learning.

99 articles on random various topics

Education/Values final part

Education/Values final part

There are values. There are beliefs. There are convictions. Declaring a relationship between values and beliefs doesn’t mean that it is there. And hen it is, it doesn’t mean as fact that the relationship is one thing. Is value more important than convictions of such values in critical thinking. How dare I stay on the subject as usual. Convictions and beliefs is what the values are within educational critical thinking.

Belief is within convictions or not conviction in feeling of thinking of belief in purpose of emotions of beliefs apart of the processes of decisions of completed values belief and conviction thinkings and or conclusions whether thinking feeling or thinking just the processes of what happened however it is in the inclusion or outclusion.

So, I become aware of my values and posted them where I could see them daily. Aware of declaration of values as the term of how people define or use it, is critical thinking education a value? And are they aware on a daily basis of attribute, principles, good deeds and ongoing values of positive fundamental and foundational beliefs.

I think while they act in accordance to possible pursuits, goals and deeds or principles because of its potential role as a foundation of their values of their fundamentals in a positive aspect.

Not in thought or feeling awareness of realization of values and calling them a suddenly better person when they were just the same of great things. Or what claim of value remarking of something about a value. In thought, no keeping them from a value realization for purpose of acclaim of no value at stating value in harm and using ‘origination of thought’ phrasing for instance. Thought processes or analysis don’t derive origination of value, feeling does.

Your effected by your victimizations through your calculated decisions in life and react in feelings which result in other decisonals of value results.

Feeling not in though processes or conclusive studies of situations if it is involved o self analysis situational conclusions for value origination realizations to claim anew and correct. They already have most of this origination.

By: rosette Antoinette Zacie Jones

Education/Values part 3

Education/Values part 3

Where do values originate?

Oh come on. Values. Feelings. Values originate from intentional inflictions of emotional distress? No. All right. I’m looking for one origination, finding it in its in the betterment? Maybe. Value. Good thing. Sorry. The origination of values. I’m going to look for it. In the trash. Nope. Unless they value garbage. Recycle? Art projects. Reuse. Reduce. Environmental optimizations tax write offs. So a value originating from a snotty tissue in the trash can. Let’s think.
Within the individual in thought origination, value emotional distress education. Or

Within the individual in thought origination, value environmental recycle education. Looking for values in recycling…  It is a thought. People value their sentimental belongings. People value them. They are theirs, right? So, people value happiness, but if they are sad can they recycle their sorrow and reuse reduce or recycle it for the environmental education? They could help the environment through their sorrows, in turn recycle them through educated tools by their own learning’s, possibly.

You could also recycle your poorness if you value to  become rich by helping a charity maybe or something that you can come up with. Cause when your values are pursuit of happiness and riches, being poor and sad are garbage like trash.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones Zacie

Education/Values part 2

Education/Values part 2

Education acquisitions’ of quantities change update or alter a persons values, to specifics or broadens of enlightenments to that of awareness and realizations through education. No, a person is not a stupid idiot to me. So, they have no real character and want to be understood in person or of good person and at least of wonderful things to me at times through what they’ve learned whether in credentials or otherwise and thus conclude and surmise them as a good person.

Their values they consistently present in my human behavior studies and repeatedly seek for it [as wrong or right] to be validated at correctness of their wrongness or rightness in what in how values (educational or other) interacts with such as to that of harm attack of good person subject. Bringing up in the critical thinking topic focuses on values of what makes up a good person or broadens or specifies their realization through what they’ve acquired in education or other outlet learnings.

It’s not the question – they changed the question. Say you changed the question and they do it on purpose to what wasn’t said. Does a person measure good person through values educational? Not even if a person is kept from acquiring higher educational documents through some victimization, are they a valuable good person? Because you don’t like the question asked, then it is available to state the unfortunate event that the question isn’t available in some form.

By: Rosette Antoinette Jones




It is still a good write.Its not how you formulate it. Value need – education doesn’t hide behind bad or good person in the name of value and attack the question. What are you studying? Value? Or Value origination? Your behind? No. You called yourself better looking for something hoping it could be found in values. Realizations or something solutioned to critical thinking processes and declare you of bad crap to the not person like to me of character in current meanings. Greatness and of sort, still.

Does education make you a better person? Making a decision to be a better person makes you a better person. Through education, or church or acting on doing better. No! Making kinder behavior decisions is a better person. Especially, when presented with effecting others! That can make you a worser or better person than you have been acting lately!

Or this or that when they are not just hoping its about behavior decisions effecting others negatively or positively? It’s just denial of something else. (in sarcasms) – Are you hoping its what your doing? Not some action of new just what they are not doing, claiming its that. Don’t change the question and conclude outside of claimed stated. They most likely don’t academic that if academic of . As for realistic updates, one might conclude updated analysis  of situations in their assessment.

By; Rosette Antoinette Jones Zacie

What is truth? part 2 01.04.2015


What is truth? part 2 01.04.2015

What is truth? Truth is the car alarm system going off. It’s noisy isn’t it. No one likes the noisy car alarms. They want the quiet ones but they don’t deter the thief as much. Responses could develop articles/books. What is fashionable to believe the truth is relative or subjective?

say what you mean – don;’t mean what you say –  2 cell phones with two different sets of pre-loaded applications are both defined as cell phones but with two different cell phones, which is true, which is truth? 

Fashionable?! for them to pretend the discussing of relative and subjective in regards to truth.
Truth I said is more commonly used than the understood usage of relative to statements stated in regards to functions of subjective.

By:” rosette antoinette zxadcie – j


What is truth?


I called this book true. Seeking truth. Is it true? I read a book and this is called a book. Then the book is called a true book.

Then it is called truth. Seeking true. Rejected, in ability to find or know goodness. Goodness is truth. Truth is goodness. Argue later. Summationed. No, before after life truth is known; truth is lived in what we do, use and function every day. Arguing and agreeing on a word not necessarily a common used word of truth.

‘By:Rosette Antoinette zacxie j


seeing – believing – second one?

today I read a comment about believing and seeing….

I think we believe in what I see a woman in white headphones. cellphone. Feels akward fine accessories, [necklace/watch] so does her bracelet and fine accessories not matching the plainess of the bracelet I think our culture matches to a child and their attentive care toward it should they have too much attention to it.

They are excited about their jewelry – like the woman – taller grown up. Boots – neat leather and stylish, not the stereo typical jean matching. OH no! she did her nails. (a braid in her hair) My studies of her do not match and if my studies were told of existence I would not necessarily believe in them, but I see her. Her pen?! what !? I won’t begin or continue on that as instead I’ll attempt to re-capture my readers with this bad write.

So, 135 boring words for a moment if you don’t get what I mean in this seeing is believing description. The rich on food stamps because they cannot afford their nutrition necessity, placing 22 spinners on their century old buick! ah, no – exaggerate indeed. um…I like it. This is liked so. children on cell phones. A male, in a hot pink neon. Well, it is more like a highlighter green, but doesn’t match every male and the difference between the highlighter scarf and a bright pink dress/skirt one  – whatever. Well, I don’t have to believe it. It was a scarf. But it is actually a safety construction vest. (for seeing) – It prevents a lowers accidents, increases alrert-ness and awareness of individual locations when operating such equipments. But I saw it. It would have been to believe in if I didn’t continue. I saw it, believed to see what it turned out to be and believed in it instead. What if it isn’t a construction safety vest?

Purple is a girl color to me like a hot pink dress. His style and maybe this male could closer wear the highlighter scarf and he can pass the purple sweater half way because printed is LSU and now the girl he is with wears a male hat but she passes it with a Texas tech university hat and it is red, a girl color. They went and made the garment, hat male unless, really obvious girl. (sequence, glitter, dress, hot pink) — and so on.

That construction vest guy could almost pass the scarf, had he looked the preppy insult.(or something on those lines) The girl is classified as cute with curls and waves in her hair, making it possible the casual feminine sophistication outfit. (and she is with a guy)- she made her outfit a feminine sophisticated casual or dress, how she decides to wear it with this hat.  believe in her attractiveness and the show potential that could do when thinking this trend in culture.

Sorry for my non-academic studies audience, for I will have to study the dullness in what you read some other time. I made some effort but…

By: rosette Antoinette Jones zaxciery

and this is for the rest of you who will believe me. Her boots were brown. Now they appear black. I think god is doing it on purpose from the beginning – while she works on her suddenly appearing lap top.

I think I feel

no, these words are not used interchangeably. I am studying and came across a leisure reading – non – requisite and I disagreed with the comment –

I think isn’t interchangeable – people know what they mean when asked a question. Stated as fact. No they don’t. Oh. well they say they don’t. The understanding is simple and clear that on what is pointed out, stressed, the meaning, the importance they make at such. Others will be extremely stressed on accurate points of what they mean as far as what they are leaving as accurate. Meaning whether they are accurate are not to the point of the speaking.

These women I observe have a discussion or conversation used interchangeably or not yet in meaning of intentions. Not. Feel is different from thinking and the statement couldn’t be abrupt-ed as more wrong. – such slanted – I don’t write like this. Interesting. typically.

So, I feel weird. It is a feeling or thinking. I think they intentionally choose their words and I have asked this. Why do you say I feel. well. Maybe I will find the wonder answer to the whole thing soon. And when I answer why the sky is blue – people state this for maybe matching the subject matters discussed or personal preference. But I thought it was society or culture or as originally stated word choice and ridiculous to state interchangeable and maybe edited later for reading as the end there looks more academic.

By”: Rosette Antoinette Zacie

Rosette antoinette Zacie – xaceiry

PGA Golf response to ESPN and academic talk

PGA president of the Golf association makes a comment. What is it? Let”s change the comment again in social media. A tweet – have ya’ll gotten on twitter. You like it at me like its face book. These platforms show potential. Put sports media and tweet games twitter sports, the professional golf association is golfing a tweet. an offensive comment controversy as it isn’t what he said. if he that then. I look at the sports section and what I respond to is the comment the outfit, right now. About the sport unless what interest or of event. So rooted for teams, nash used to be in Dallas to me. So Nash too.


Education iniative applied to an unpaid aspiration. The education itself is beneficial to prior education incentives which were stated to have a higher compensatory payment. Where is it? What ya’ll say you are paid at me. I have education and you don’t could be evil. So, I decided education in addition,but I think other routes of expertise available to present onself as when up for an occupational role. A lady professor is instructing a course at Wellsely College. I’ve already completed a successful non-certificate.

But this certificate course, I looked forward to as since then, I’ve completed a lot more human study into a Masters Program level, more in behavior, psychology and counseling – so not the same. A certain certificate course which I seed. Award, I really looked forward to,but as completion goes and due dates, unfortunates, cause I wanted this for me. Educatin applied to an unpaid aspiration. While I continue writing in pursuits of riches and future intents to charge subscription rates on word press… – while I write on PGA Golf I used the phrase social media in a PGA publishing.

Education acquisitions and appplicated to occupation is great. And fabricating crime in my name saying and offering at me better and not taking lower role position not got available or not in my name but lacking the title of what i seeked at me and demanding different from what I’ve attained as in major – adding up to up to my qualifications. (twice stated up to. (- saying the title at me you don’t have) Calling my qualifications more at me than what they are is criminal stating you have at me percentages of my accomplishments.

Saying you’ve earned and then lacking the title at me when the demand of the role at me is don’t apply. This is major specific not course specific not course specific calling this degree and not for you did take at me.

A course isn’t a degree program. A certificate program could be rewarded and I look forward to taking the course. A course can be part of a program, but successful completion is my point for me.

Back to PGA Golf -. Now twitter is popular in social media. Some rich kids are introducing insta gram to blue line left and right to millions of viewers on re-run. Before beverly sounds like instant or telegram – instant telegrams -cool instant messages whatever. So twitter ius what are they saying what ? Twittter is on a platform – business advertise there – people comment anywhere – twitter – tweeted a instagram comment president offensive style. I made that up. If the comment is offensive still when someone else said it. The sports section to non sports readers. I’m focusing on. A comment. So, I sports news – I already published on Nash. Some player died and I’m sarcastically interested in may be a non – headline news sportsnews that doesn’t make healdlines satiracally.

By – Rosette Antoinette Aj – zacie

Terrorisms becoming or no?

The evolution of terrorism
What are some of the concepts in what the authors call a ‘deeper level of understanding’People are reactive to what things occur to them. Be things are working out, whether they deserve the more or less. Things aren’t but effecting goes in politics and they exaggerate anarchy and activists to insult and catergorize them at attack levels while seek protecting them while they are called the terror they aren’t. So redefining and offenses in evolution are going to occur. People want better in politics.


The events in peoples life drastically effected because of terrorism but they don’t think procedures, organizations or over exaggerations are the thing. The children and pre – teens of 9.11 not aware of prior flight procedures just should think lines are regularly that long. And the other anonymous are just that way. Always been the things they define the reaction to that define in reaction to different always and one isn’t terrorism. Sympathies influencing definitions of terrorism definitions. Is the word sympathy or mourning. Mourning could attack what people think of a terrorist claiming to care in my name, say.
by rosette jones

solution Reasoning – reasonings

reasoning. solution reasoning is an idea if there is an issue to solve. Solutions and reasons = reasoning a solution- reasoning a thing or solution. They are discussing sports on ESPN and reason in their discussions of players when an NBA Television analyst speaks about the Cavaliers vs the Jazz and references their history playing backgrounds and coordination with teamates – (james lebron and college) – of the Jazz it looks like right now.

so, Grant Hill: “see how he fits in .. exactly what his role is… 12 assists a game….Irving isn’t a pass first player” –

They are not coaches making reasoning decisions for winning and not philosophizing or having an emergency biblical God bible study but they may use reasoning but thinking they are just gaming.

A different term and categories created in my reasoning is

  • gaming the basketball, gaming the football.
  • there is gaming and in gaming they may conduct reasoning’s. One may be solution reasoning which i bring up, not inductive speakings.
  • decisions and actions through these processes they might use in me looking at gaming skills from an academic perspective and complication-ing this through calling the gaming process a reasoning process.
  • looking, analyzing, or taking and game planning in various ways. Moving and thinking game quickly disconnects, interconnects, or other strategic gamings or reasoning s by inductive reasoning s or my write about solution reasoning.

Although it may be true, a reasoning process, the gaming term, I called it – gaming would be separated in reasoning s or discussions among coaches and which would be different gaming.

My solution reasoning idea and my gaming idea utilizing reasoning either inductive – not counter -inductive.

In gaming counter-inductive isn’t possible without removing the game from the game by assault. Repeated, solution reasoning and gaming utilizing reasoning in practice factoring what works whether it is inductive or just regular reasoning skills per game play, sport or strategy. But this is hypothetical and isn’t the most realistic necessarily that a coach will decide with one point left, and less than 45 seconds left at the end of the game, “oh no! I didn’t look again a my academic comments.” One has to study this possibly to use this recreationally and decide how much of it will apply and how it already does in a different way. They might need stress, gaming reasoning and clock reasoning. they want unrealistic research like winning reasoning for gaming.
Grocery shopping lists reasoning. Will that effect game plannings? Do they want to try it and what historical impact will it show if all teams in the professional sports do it. They won’t probably measure wins as much as peformance measurements on independent variables, such as non-counter-actions in a counter action sport for measurement aspecs. Kicking distance, and running speeds. But counter-action of running distance or tackling. No Tackling – they run faster. Running distance – they tackle better. So, the speed of the running. Anyway. Stuff like that.

By Rosette Antoinette Jones


globalization transparency comment

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
The claims of transparency isn’t the word transparency assault. Ethics politics. In academic business discipline ethics, discusses but then it is a different discipline . The historical governmental politic area. How do you fulfill the claims people state they are at me?
they say they are righteous. Then in non- assaults name – when possible it can be greed – they don’t do the harm, the money taken is fulfilled – explained and defended – they are greedy -well another topic another time. No. they are not inflictors of harm (be explained being harm is intentional.)
the problem is you take confuse it for money and submit to the kind of worst kind of criminal. – Transparency keeps saying – everythings all right. Not here is the assault in monies. That’s not transparency. Or let’s make sure there is no assault – and believe it. Organization structure isn’t designed for this. In most likely designed to cause or keep removal of good business ongoings from occurring.

Call it transparency. it’s not this money. Why seek this but from blocking harm. It isn’t what they are after. Non-profit earnings. A charitable organization, a non-profit organization operating with volunteers and somehow an increasing demand that the volunteers might seek compensation so they are asking for transparency? Ridiculous,. Oooh those good intention volunteers sneaking and going all out this time, they are going to take, more than one thousand dollars this week. Instead of last week you know, that was one million dollars but now they have these transparency comments.

Rosette Antoinette Zacie J

If 10 million goes missing in a non-[rofit organizaiton, why are they seeking to invest a mainly voluntary non-profit organization like people wouldn’t seek some compensation. And defining this as transparency is academically wreckless. Transparency shouldn’t be just be anyone, but why anyone has access to others work operations of the way they conduct or report financials. There are reasons, but here. In a world where 130 million isn’t change missing to some organizations in this operating aspect of money going into a non-profits….but react like? This organization operates and communicates with international governments all over. 10 million dollars. Transparency is why aren’t they paying a mainly volunteer staff when they can state over a million dollars missing till function in this CPI price index.

but up to 8-9 million dollars pricing indexes. The initiave has it’s priorities out of wack.

– comment academic on globalization at Georgetown

also published at

Big information and Social Physics at MIT – part 2 of response

response to “can be predicted by the use of deterministic equations based on data” response to ‘one general…equation…[deriving]’ response to ‘determined based on a set of data’

Part 2 of response of equations based on data

No such thing as a one equation really seeking the and all answers . Specifically looking to find the question and change it out of the equation which isn’t universal and could no longer answer or provide and thus continuing to seek further inquiry of the equation not to answer and not to provide and one question does this. Don’t answer it. What would be asked but the complication you speak of and calling it deriving in social physics? this is the physics and/or social discipline. There are many and the equation capable may not derive from social physics or proved incapable in another discipline in the event of mistaken discoveries.

Response to “or each equation is determined based on a set of data?” This goes on to include many factors in equations and they would go looking for more data and call it the new set but, not what is always meant here in every way would be done in practice it might appear.

By: Rosette Antoinette Zacxie j

the next postings will be work written in a certificate course I earned in Big Data and Social Physics at MIT = I  have my academic notations category and this posting is very good and highly reccommnded….and might be posted separately, but several postings

school guns for teachers

It’s a hot topic but I don’t think it’s a controversy. I don’t think every teacher should have a gun. On my news rss blog feed, I’d write that after a school shooting as a headline to remark on the situation response. Likewise, there are extreme headlines to obtain a reader. Every teacher might consider one as a result of wanting them to have some fear threat and be in an environment of what learning, studying and good thing and say a gun range remark to obtain readers.

In disaster emergency situations some people want guns.

I’d actually consider this headline to obtain readers, but I will maybe think about something in the future, I might be speaking in satirical sarcasms ironically, but the other headline said, a similar attention getter whoa! No…No, I personally do not want to live go purchasing a gun, but in fear, and if the instructor isn’t able to locate into a learning institution then maybe they want to have a gun near, not for protection. That contact isn’t, while a gun is shooting and it is possible in recognize to magically purchase a gun because they couldn’t leave the school but instead they had a purchase trap, that isn’t the same. That’s not a controversial topic. And the instructors don’t want to think they don’t want to buy a gun if that was possible because they read the meaning of having a gun in a safe institution from any threat on pre lock down before God knocks them up side their head thinking about it, more afraid of their mothers aunt.

I think the consensus is, please don’t shoot up office employees or students at the school.

By: Rosette Antoinette j


Now quarantine is a controversial topic.  People have lives to return to that might be affected by such an emergency. It may be found unnecessary, overboard exaggerated and offensive. Others might describe it as cruel and not protecting the individual being quarantined. In fact, I don’t see it as always seeking protecting me while exposure to certain individuals could make oneself ill immediately. In presentationed of oneself to society, they do not offer this in claimed intentions peformed through actions behaviors, and supporting remarks. People are good. Look at her. Lovely, a smile even. Sophistication and care for others. So, I doubt they’d do it on purpose and as a result anyone with some thought processes would want a quarantine in the name of their protection. What else are they doing to prevent spread besides possibly causing one if the disease reacts negatively to a quarantine?

If you caught yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, so many of you decided to just hurt to think something fake. So, since your not wishing for the time to go by slower and deciding not to like the seconds in your potential quarantine, nope, you say it won’t happen, well, you could be stuck inside months in a quarantine dependent on how long they decide to keep you there making you ill even, with a non – quarantine sickness due to negative unhealthy effects of suffering longer durations of quarantine in the name of something supposed to be good, emergency management.

So when they are managing this declaration of an emergency – in this instance, it is prevention of an emergency and plans, which is also good, wonder about the nobel prize someone won while your stuck somewhere.


By: Rosette Antoinette J



Dr. Bruce Beutler, a Nobel Prize winning doctor and medical researcher supports New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with his plan for a 21-day mandatory quarantine

Also published at

satirical theoretical philisophical entertaining academic emergency management topic

Research competition disasters. The arrival annual quickest cell phone text messenger of nationals wins $48,000. Disaster. No. I thought of conceptual disaster in regards to research management as opposed to researching a non-disaster or irony.

Disaster management research I first wrote on research perspective presenting in essential concepts to disaster management.

Now a non-disaster from managing a humourous or speaking to philisophical way of study in how it is a disaster based on a or things of processes methods, concepts theories, on a difficult unecessarily challenge unrealistic to the student to think others came close, do or surpass them. I wouldn’t write that due to negative effects it could cause, it is the result of a current reminder not in academic study to the engagement learning extents.

So, based on a real school shooting – disaster or a vehicle  accident disaster to a thunderstorm disaster or drought/flood disaster to the disaster of a chair. No. it is a chair – it is wood – it is plastic or brick – without a chair one finds one in a seat on a table or the ground cement, glass, grass, table, ground –

So, for education and other studies of topic emergency research concept disaster – when it is a school shooting

So, from school shooting doesn’t make an emergency disaster of a chair  or the seat – the chair as a seat when a chair isn’t [as a tangible ] No. The disaster emergency plans, prepares of and recoveries of a chair in a disaster.

The recent one in the northwest – So, a chair in Florida southeast needs preparations of low insurance pay outs appeals and plans for recovery (maybe the chair wants updates) Destructions occur in disaster, so new invention customization destruction to suit and/or paints/polishes, cottons coverings fabrics, metal plastics. The chair needs therapy for the effects of a disaster in several states and hundred of miles away. So, some hotlines of psychosis centers there to assist and maybe or not other informations available. So the point is the research that wen into those affected by disaster.

The chair needing to recover from a vehicle accident. I’ve seen some ripped out, burned – a vehicular disaster explosion needs an insurance payout – car covers decorations updates and seat belts, defensive driving requests. The chair needs secondary bus transit.

Drought/flood money testing of a chair – needs waterproofing and hydration, food stamps, and passing extremes t withstand potential disaster preparations in nature disaster emergency management.

So a thunderstorm, lightening, fires – electrocution. A water proof chair in disaster preparations. So an electrocution chair in preparations.

The chairs need disaster information tables pre and post disaster for general reference of handling the things over the duration of a disaster – and how to go about doing things. The crap of do it yourself.


By: Rosette Antoinette Zaicierxy – j

part of emergency management research methods – iniative writing – not assigned but inspired from my studies including my own question of student assignment to me.

what I mentioned intiatlly – a research disaster competition. Like a chair needing something researching needing disaster recovery processes for emergency management itself.














































































































































Reading competition disasters. The arrival annual cell phone quickest text messenger wins $48,000 national winner. Disaster. No I thought of conceptual disaster in regards to research management as opposed to researching a non-disaster or irony.






























Essential Concepts of disaster research Management

When I rosette, say in reaction to thiinking about last weeks responses to impact what emergency management research impacts. So, when i state in regards to one research perspective leading to more effective use through critical thinking instead of more effective use of critical thinking(thinking from research perspective (critically) is using through from critical thinking to research oersoectives and the leasdings of effectiveness.

So, as a results of impact and perspective research , I rosette concluded from my comments that, It depends on what they don’t do more than what they do. Essential concepts of emergency research in occupations,—-

Essential research important concepts in disaster management research-, to see what is going on to victims or those affected, negatively by disaster. Researching responses to how humans react and….

Essential concepts in disaster emergency conducting disaster management utilizing prior established emergent efforts from research perspective. The concept of essential concept of emergency management research is in occupation – the ideas, and actions. Disaster research is worked throughout pre-paring disaster, planning disaster and planning and repairs recoveries disaster.

This isn’t conceptual – it maybe arguable through emergency. Research they find essential and important information results and data to effectively conduct emergency maangement impact, if they did this. The theory of essential emergency management – does important and pertienent check emergency management to the necessary points (as a result of research or through research of accomplishing work completions)

This is just two preliminary cooncepts and theory making the a  las opposed to importance necessary effective and impacting emergency working research. Right now essential to important tasks done doesn’t mean effective plans or preparedness post or pre disaster. (unless for a task out of the many is necessary to be effective emergency management ) through working)

Essential concepts in disaster emergency research from a non-working perspective. I listed as though individual effected by disaster might research in their personal importance of disaster research essential concept doing. Essential concept is taking concern to not emergency management, but the person’s emergency disaster management.


It might include the business owner, victims, carrying low insurance payouts , need disaster management, other civilians in various ways. The concept research in how of essential concept management it can affect one is in fixing solution, not just answers but pre-planned prepared working answer/responses for the disaster situation. But nothing they can do or deter to another to ask isn’t in research of emergency management nor an essential research concept to disaster victims. So how about them able to do something and refer to another.

The victims affected might seek more preparing post disaster as essential research concept management. The theory of essential emergency management would fix what broken when possible in a very expected organizational ways  providing effective availabilities to issues for those social class individuals affected in disaster ( I’ve said this – so, social class affected – I don’t mean rich/poor – just driver affected by traffic needing answers – businesses across everywhere able to find answers seeking responses for them, business relations and customer relations, tourists seeking to leave or come into town.

So duh like appearing that when someone hears about emergency disaster management – they go in – straighten to make availablilitiest of what  the disaster affects.

That’s managing a disaster. Low insurance payout, complaints/appeals. Another table, locations hiring business which lay off or delay occupation. Destruction concerns and rebuilding without insurance solutions, and actions to do without need to rename the table when they cannot fulfill the concept disaster emergency management.

Other table, power outage and restoring facilities, grocery necessities, resident concern and necessities, other focus concerns.


effective action disaster response exploitation table reporting about emergent disasters responses – this means intentional increases on low insurance payouts and things recurring to disaster. This doesn’t include other things going on where a disaster isn’t. This does include a company pre – disaster compensated several dollars an hour from the high teens of $18.67 average low to low middle class ranges of $48.98 average. Now, there highest is above their lowest and why? Post disaster? People are seeking employment but the current employees might be left out to and are harmed – so responsive to the whole situation where the business is trying to hire more and not increase their expense by paying less with high demand for work to assist the work force, while lowering hours of work for the current employees complaining about the harm of their income, to respond to their current needs they worked to attain and receive. – but this is an organization near affected or directly a disaster. Not something going on.

Reorganization of this would most likely be more structured, bu this is a basic expectation which unaware think and call the meaning of disaster emergency management as expected in definition.

So, I began to focus toward concept. The theory does these mentioned actions as a working processes and procedures. Thinking detailed research and procedural functional task operating disaster plans and preparations without disappointment from of the level called emergency when the unfortunate occurence. The essential concept is meting updated expectations of emergency management and updating expectations accurately of disaster management. This is essential for preparing.

Written by: Rosette Antoinette Zaciery


emergency research disaster perspective

This week I have focused on assigning responses in a list of things I took one part of one focus and one part of another – (this for me will focus on preparing and planning recovery post disaster studies) – i structured this posting and how I use it to write.


This week I have focused on assigning responses in a list of things I took one part of one focus and on part of another: research perspective in emergency management

. Does a emergency management perspective…. Emergency and disaster management perspectives are different from the victims perspective of those affected by disaster [It is also a different perspective from outsiders who pretend care and is there critical thinking from anyone other than those of real concern] And do they claim more critical thinking of emergency management to those caring about their-self from nature or intentional disasters?

They don’t classify the Oklahoma city bomber as a terrorist as much in the government/office building bombing. College student shooters aren’t either. But that is a point of view or perspective. So do the emergency managers say their critical thinking is just more correct based on general complained management practice of the established management from general perspective? One question.

The use of different critical thinking – more effective in disaster management. I think it is obvious that those affected by disaster negatively doing seeking and working to improve managing a disaster might not only have a different research perspective but since they seek optimal(ism) for the specifics, even if tit didn’t include others, was wrong to others – and (wrong to disaster research management) – Then on the specified focus – self research – would most likely be more effective to those specifics. Not in general unless they seeked this.

So, if they are capable an the workers research perspective ranges with or without concern doing beyond, just enough, less than enough more than enough and so on. it is a different effective seeking research disaster perspective. Purpose is definitely different, motivation of financial need and/or seeking more out in the potential situation of community purpose finding. Purpose for one affected might include goals seeked to do something better for them.. Essential concepts of research to work in the different worker research disaster perspeective of compensations of essential need. Then the topics of essential concepts of research to personal interaction to a disaster management ongoings from essential personal solutions to the damages from the disaster.


Some thoughts partial part of two assignments, as I said. This is an intiative for oth

er book writing aspirations and I can reference my material here, but it couldn’t be turned in like this as it isn’t the assignment, but I can use some of my work here for my assignment.

Response to what I just wrote….

Does it lead to more effective use through – does one perspective lead to more effective use through essential concepts effective their perspective and the concerns of social logic thinking in research management? I think it depends on what they don’t do with their research more than what they do with their research in regards to effective  disaster research management

By: Rosette Antoinette Zaciery J

seeking significant impact research in emergency disaster management

I would love to impact and not be insignificant. Impacting the practice field of emergency management to such aspriationals. And even rich stardom of the science, of the science. But it is only research – thy might not act on even and especially when all the bad is dissolved to all destruction eliminated. All insurance paid out in full. From business, no insurance, overpaid. While paid in full. No industry or insurance layoffs, business operations still profit at lower available costs (as usual)- ideally. As though my research could do something like no disaster reaction, but just things… If so, would they put my research in place? My own research of significant capability of research. I am capable of of many wonderful informational.  Well, an impact, a new way of doing things and causing higher expectations. I doubt this from research alone, but convincing one to do the actions I’d want to impact emergency management in the way of after of the emergency. Local infrastructures of housing and businesses. They think the word is action or when something is done or what I say. But their doing, I can write but until I place my research into success for the closer to goals of beneficial impact. Benefitting. But when I do a project speech event is closer to the beginning of potential impact.

By: Rosette Antoinette J – zacie

Forum week 2 – 2 of 2 responses in Research Emergency Disaster Management…


Working in an environment – volunteers are genuinely caring and sincere and genuine. But they are not turning down money in times of disaster.Productivity. They are productive, the workers work. But as far as increasing better work. No. Do they do more? They have less to do and less stress, because they don’t hire staff? In recent 12’s there are paid volunteers. But negative are the cheers of what they should receive and expect. They volunteer for theirself. They volunteer for the situation. They volunteer to assist out. But the answer isn’t exploit of situations when they would otherwise be compensated within a shorter allotted time of working without compliment structure.

They don’t have to be a specialized volunteer group. A qualified volunteer group with expertise will allot them to live their expertise beyonds while they have it known at them that they are in good deed workings as opposed to seeking something better for their self? Specialized? They are going to train them? That’s unheard of… They pay them. You should want them paid but why should they live that if you are going to support harming them in undue out when they would receive crappy monies, terrible pay and complaining just like the next one, but now they are in a specialized training expert group!
Disaster is negative. In times of disaster, they are scared about what could happen. But they are also concerned about the destruction, layoffs, shopping needs and so on. This is a negative impact to morality to constantly seek them for longer durations like they turned down money. Maybe the organization couldn’t do it right away. Maybe they seeked it out as a good thing for people and for what good things it does.


What else…. By: Rosette