Response to Will Smith and Chris Rock

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just slap a grown adult in public the next time they piss us off. (Cause that is in total reality) I pause on the fact that these gentlemen are both rich and both celebrities. No that is not a typical normality for those in the middle class. But Will Smith slapping Chris Rock for hurting his feelings in public on recording for all to rewind is still quite a disappointment and shocker. Like didn’t your momma teach you better than that?

When using our words we sometimes turn to comedy to make us feel better. Both of these actors have worked in comedy action films for entertainment. Where do you go from there? An award winning night. And the nominee for most childlike behavior is…..(fill in the blank) How are we to teach idols such as these that it is unacceptable when we accept their behavior? We are drawn to them, maybe…Glamour? Attraction? A wish to escape to be in their shoes?

Well we are in our own shoes and and we cannot throw them at someone for the hek of it if we feel like we were insulted, offended, or that they just flat out verbally crossed the line. We are are not physically defending ourselves when we attack another. I have loved both Will Smith and Chris Rock and would love to see these guys get along but where does that happen when you can’t be yourself and if you are…..well, you might get slapped…

Censorship is no joke. And it might be fine to censor oneself here or there. But if Chris Rock crossed the line what would you expect Will Smith to do? And while many call Will Smith a pansy for the slap or taking up for his wife. Chris has been called mature on how he immediately handled it. He didn’t fight back. Did that make him a pansy? We are not in grade school. If your feelings get hurt. They are not a weapon. They are feelings.

Written by: Rosette Jones


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